Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Over the next several weeks, information did make it's way from the continent to the Ministry and then to Harry. Unfortunately, it wasn't all that informative. Gerhardt Falkstein was indeed a member of the German magical community. He was a respectable wizard of moderate means with no known connections to any activity, legitimate or otherwise, that would explain his need to come to Great Britain, let alone try to make contact with Harry, or anyone else at Hogwarts. So the mystery only deepened.

For the time being, Harry concentrated on the day to day routine of being a Hogwarts Professor along with the longer term issues of being the Deputy Head. The two overlapped when one evening he was sitting at the end of the Gryffindor table going over the list of potential first years for the next term. He sensed someone's approach and looked up just as a diminutive figure came to a halt in front of him.

"Yes, Miss Chao, is there something I can do for you?"

Kai looked into those striking green eyes and blinked and then said,

"Um, Sir, Professor Potter, I was wondering if you had a moment? I need to talk to you."

"Certainly, Miss Chao, that's why I'm here," he said, gesturing for her to take a seat across from him.

When she was settled he continued,

"Now, what's on your mind?"

"This is a question about Quidditch," she began, "I hope that's alright?"

"Of course, it happens to be one of my favorite things to talk about."

"Well, sir, it's just that people are starting to expect a lot from me because it seems that I have a talent for flying. And please don't misunderstand, I love flying on a broom and playing Quidditch but with my being so small, the other team always seems to want to try and rough me up. It's getting kind of scary out there," she said.

Harry nodded.

"Yes, Mrs. Potter was talking to me about that after the match she came up to watch. I understand Mr. Lupin had something to say about it as well."

Kai grimaced and nodded.

"Yes, sir. He suggested either I make sure the beaters watch my back or get you to teach me some tricky maneuvers. Vee told me later that he was really concerned about me but it was still kind of unsettling to hear."

Harry leaned forward as he rested his forearms on the table in front of him. He looked at the youngster across from him and took notice of the dark eyes and how they radiated her concern. He thought about Abagail for a moment. Whereas her eyes tended to pull you in, with this girl the tendency was to push outward, communicating whatever it was she was feeling.

"To be perfectly honest with you, Miss Chao, your fears are not unfounded. Quidditch can be a very physical game, both in terms of the amount of effort required as well as the likelihood of sustaining various injuries. If you are unprepared to deal with that, I'd have to suggest you stop playing. If, however, you want to continue to play, and from what I hear you'll likely end up on the house team, and soon, you'll need to work at toughening yourself up, both mentally and physically."

Harry began to explain some ideas he thought might help the girl. He especially emphasized the need to attend the Quidditch camp where she could receive some specialized instruction.

"And if I think you're up to it, I'll see what I can show you about evading unwanted attention. I tended to come up on the short end of it when it came to size."

"Does that mean you'll show me how to do the Potter bootleg?" she asked with some excitement. "Vee told me about that."

"Hmm, I'm not sure about that, Miss Chao. That move requires some very advanced flying skills and a certain mental ability. I won't say no, but we'll have to see about what you can handle."

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