Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

The dozen sat at the round table having slowly recovered from the events that had taken place earlier. No one had spoken for quite a time, how much could not be determined as time was a different thing in this place. Finally the silence was broken.

"Suggestions?" inquired the first to speak.

Initially, no one responded. Finally the one who spoke rarely said,

"One must determine if what the one who leads said is true. Can he teach others to do what he clearly can?"

"Your point being?" the first asked.

"If he is some form of mutation, a singular entity, we can indeed wait him out as he says. They were a short lived race when we ruled the surface world. I don't imagine they have improved much. And even if they have doubled or tripled that span, what of it? It would still be a blink of the eye compared to what we have experienced. This point is pivotal."

"I believe we have a more immediate issue to deal with," offered a third speaker.

"Which is?" asked the first.

"His threat to hold us responsible for any action of our instruments. We know that several unsanctioned incidents have already occurred. They must be reigned in."

"Indeed," replied the first. "They have proven to be most unreliable with results well below expectations."

"It is apparent that caution is indicated and time must be spent to fully understand our nemesis," a fourth speaker began. "If needs must, we should divest ourselves of these rash and unreliable instruments and secure the services of a few of sufficient capabilities to fully expose the strengths and weaknesses of the one who leads. We have attempted much while knowing little. To our detriment."

"Indeed," several others added.

"It is agreed, then?" the first asked. "We step back from direct actions and concentrate on gathering all that may be found on this one. Perhaps an extended period of quiet may eventually put them off their guard. If one recalls, their attention spans were much like their life spans. Far too short to be of value. Let us begin."

"So what do you think, Harry? Is that the end of it?" Abagail asked from her spot on a couch in the living room at Meadow Crest.

"If I was inclined to fits of wild optimism I'd say yes, little one," Harry replied, his voice betraying the weariness he still felt. "However, since I tend to be more practical than that, I'd have to say there's room for doubt."

Harry was sitting in his chair by the hearth looking at the small assembly of friends and family as they went over the events of the previous day. After he and the dragon had done what he thought was reasonable to persuade the old ones from continuing their campaign to regain their control of the surface world, they had returned to the dragon's body and reverted back to Harry in the flesh. Abagail was thrilled to have him back while Bane and Ronin appeared more interested in what had occurred.

Harry explained as best he could as they climbed up out of the chamber and out into the forest proper. They chose not to ask if Harry thought he was successful in any way. It was obvious that some watch had been set on the entrance because by the time the four of them had reached the end of the trail near Hagrid's hut, the Centaurs that had been hovering near the edge of the forest had disappeared.

"Alright there, Harry?" Hagrid asked from the doorway of his hut.

"I'm just fine, Hagrid. How did it go up here?"

"Not bad atall, Harry. That last bit flushed a few o' the more nervous ones out inta the open. Might be a few dead branches ta pick up here and there, otherwise, no problems," Hagrid replied.

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