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Jake pov
I could hear Mike Xepher and Brennon downstairs with Colby and Erin when I woke up so I went downstairs.
M- hey Jake
Mike said getting up
M- how are you doing
J- I'm okay, how are you guys
X- ya were good
Erin was sitting with Xepher resting her head on her shoulder under a blanket and the boys were all playing video games on the tv.
C- you want to join? I need a break
J- sure
Before Colby even got up the doorbell rang, I looked at him confused
J- was anyone else coming over?
C- not that I'm aware no
J- okay, I'll see who it is
I waked to the front door as knocking started
J- I'm coming
When I opened the door I saw Jillian standing in front of me, she grabbed onto me and hugged me tight
J- Jillian?! What the hell are you doing here? Do mom and dad know your here
I heard Colby call from the other room
C- Jake who was at the door
I grabbed Jillian by the arms and moved her back to look me in the face, when I saw her i could tell she had been crying
J- what happened?
Jil- mom and dad wouldn't let me come the first time to see Erin Colby and you and when they got home they were talking mad crap about you and told me not to talk to you guys for a while
J- slow down okay
C- Jake?
Colby said coming around the corner
C- Jillian? What are you doing here?
She let me go and ran to Colby giving him a hug as she started crying
C- woah, hey it's okay
J- can you keep an eye on her and take her to see Erin, I need to call my parents
C- ya, come on she's in the living room with some of our friends
Jillian pov
I flew out to California by myself in the middle of the night and landed this morning because I couldn't take mom and dad taking bad about Jake and telling me I couldn't talk to him or Erin for a while and all they have been doing is fighting about it. And after seeing Colby's live the other night, I needed to see them, I didn't care if my parents weren't going to take me, I was going to see my family.
So I packed a bag and got myself a flight, I don't even know if they know I'm gone
C- ya, come on she's in the living room with some of our friends
I let go of Colby and followed him through the kitchen and when I saw Erin her face dropped and lit up at the same time
E- Jillian?
Xepher was sitting next to her and she is even prettier in person, she pulled the blanket off of them and helped Colby stand her up, I couldn't wait any long I dashed to her and pulled myself into her and cried.
She wrapped her arms around me and put one to the back of my head and shushed me
C- can you guys give us a few minutes?
M- ya, well just be in the filming room
C- thank you
Once I heard all the footsteps leave the room I let go of Erin and told her and Colby everything I told Jake.
E- hey jelly belly, look at me
She put her hand to my face and wiped it if the tears
E- take a breath okay? Colby can you get her a bottle of water?
C- ya
He got up and left, coming back a few seconds later with a bottle of water and handed it to me
Jil- Thank you
C- of course
E- why didn't you call Jake or I and tell us what you were doing?
Jil- I just couldn't stand to be in the house anymore, I hate being there by myself now that all of you guys have left.
C- okay, calm down. Why do you not want to be there
Jil- all they do is fight, about everything..
Colby pov
Jillian is like the little sister I never had growing up to me, I'm shocked that she flew out here by herself even more so that she is this worked up.
When I looked at her I saw her eyes get glossy again and she couldn't even look at Erin or I
Jil- they are gunna hate me..
Erin reaches her arm out and pulled Jillian into her and rocked her back and forth
C- they are not going to hate you, I promise
E- your okay, just breathe
I've never seen Erin act this way with anyone else other then me, it was weird not being on this end if the conversation this time. I heard Jake upstairs yelling and Jillian picked her head up and looked at us
Jil- they are fighting about me now..
E- shhh
Erin pulled her back into her chest and continued rocking her. Hearing The crack in her voice made my heart break.
C- I'll be right back
I walked over to the other room and picked my head in
C- hey Xepher come here
X- what's up
C- I know that you don't know Jillian but can you just sit in there with her and Erin, she's really upset
X- ya for sure
C- thank you, I'm gunna go check on Jake
Xepher headed for the living room and I made my way upstairs and into Jake's room.
He was sitting on his bed with his phone next to him
C- how did it go
J- they were to busy fighting to know that she left
C- geez man, I'm sorry
J- (sigh) how is she
C- Erin and xepher are with her now but she is pretty worked up
J- Erin is good at keeping getting her to calm down just give it time
C- so what are we gunna do?
J- my parents told me it was up to me

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