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Colby pov
It was talking a bit longer but I was finally starting to get Erin to clam down. She kept say she was sorry, I don't know why she was apologizing but I told her she did nothing wrong every time she would say it.
J- can you guys go chill in the other room? I just think everyone in here at once is a bit overwhelming
El- ya no problem, do you want us to order something you guys hungry at all?
C- order whatever you guys want but can someone postmate some crackers and water, she hasn't had anything to eat since like noon yesterday.
K- I did like 20 minuets ago, they should be getting here soon.
C- thanks kat
S- does anyone need anything, I'm gunna do get the prescription filled the doctor gave us
El- I'll just go with and order something we can pick up on the way back, call us if something happens
They said goodbye and grabbed the keys then left, kat was laying down the the other room and Jake was in the room with me and Erin.
I'm seriously at a loss for words right now. I never thought that one of us would ever get hurt this bad for a video, and if I could trade places with Erin I would, in a heartbeat.
Last night I was going to work up the courage to tell her how I've felt about her but instead I was sitting at the hospital wondering if she would make it.
To me it feels like I've know her my whole like, but There's so much I don't know about her. I'm not stupid, I know when someone is depressed, and I know that she has been struggling. There's something she's not telling me, I've thought about asking Jake but I feel like that's just to much of a personal and touchy subject. But I don't know maybe now is the right time.
2 hours later
Random pov
The food and water for Erin arrived like 20 minutes after the boys left, and she had a few sips of water and was able to keep down 3-4 crackers without feeling sick. When Elton and Sam got back Jake told Colby to go eat and get some sleep, it's almost 6 p.m. and he hasn't had any sleep unlike everyone else.
After a small debate Colby finally gave in and fell asleep for 30 minutes. He woke up to the sound of Jakes heavy breathing.
They walked out into the hall together and Jake broke down. Colby helped him calm down to the point he could talk again, then he confessed to Jake that he has feeling for Erin. At first Jake said nothing but soon admitted that he knew something was going on.
Jake pov
I know Colby has liked Erin for a while now, Sam let it slip once and told me I couldn't let Colby know I knew about it. I know I should be skeptical, but I trust Colby. The way he acted when the accident happened proved that to me, and the fact that he's taking her being hurt this serious.
Colby is a good guy and Erin is old enough to make her own decisions, but she needs to tell Colby about what happened, she has been put in situations that no human should ever be put in and hasn't exact dealt with it.
She has put it in the back of her mind and thinks if she doesn't talk about it, it will be like none of it ever happened. But it's really affecting her, she's having panic attacks more often, her anxiety has gone into overdrive and she wakes up with nightmares at 2 in the morning. If she doesn't tell him, I will.
But that also means she's going to have to tell him about her parents and that we're not actually related, but like I said I trust Colby with her and our secrets.
C- I know it's not my place to ask, but has she ever.. talked, about me?..
Oh my god yes, she is basically dying to be more then friends with him ever since she turned 18 because he's 22 and he won't date underaged girls and she knows that. But i don't know if I should tell him that.
J- ask her yourself, I can promise you if you talk to her you'll get all the answers your looking for
C- so is now, a bad time to talk to her?
J- only one way to find out
Colby smiled to himself as we walked back into the room.
Kat was asleep on one of the beds with Sam, Elton in the other, we shut the door as I heard my name, then Colby's. We quick made it into the other room and I shut the door so we wouldn't wake the others.
C- we're here what's wrong?
E- I.. I just didn't want to be alone..
She said sniffing with tears in her eyes.
J- we're right here
I reassured. Colby looked back behind him at me and I gave him a nod.
J- you and Colby need some time to talk, (looking at Colby) text me if something happens
C- I will
I walked back into the other room, closing the door then sat on the couch and turned the tv on.
Colby pov
E- what was that?..
C- Erin I need to tell you something.. and I know that you might not feel the same way but after what happened it is so clear to me that we only get one life and if you don't take advantage of the chances you have now, you never will, so I just really need to tell you.
I didn't realize how emotional I was getting, I put my face in my hands as I wiped my face dry of the stray tears that had fallen when something warm touched them.
Erin grabbed my hands and pulled them away from my face

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