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Erin pov
My chest has never hurt so much in my life, when I cried out in pain Jake stood up Colby moved closer
C- Erin you need to talk to me, what's wrong?
E- it.. hurts...
I cried
J-what hurts?
I just brought my hand up to my chest and cried out again
C- go get her medication
As soon as he turned around, Colby stood up and and leaned over me, putting and arm behind my back and lifted me up slightly
C- I'm gunna pull these pillows out to lay you flat and tell me if it makes the pain better or worse
Once he slid the pillows out and laid me down the pain felt worse and I didn't even have to say anything, he could see it on my face so he brought me back up and suddenly it felt like I could breathe again
I took a big gasp as Colby held me in his arms and for the first time in a while.. I felt safe
Jake got back with the medication and opened it to show Colby the bag
J- dude they are injections, not pills
C- what?
J- ya look
I instantly freeze, I have a fear of needles and Jake knows it
J- Colby can you sit behind her and just prop her up in a way
Colby kept me off of the bed as he slid behind me, then put a pillow in between him and I, then he laid me back.
C- is that still okay?
I nodded and grabbed his hand
J- I know you have a thing with needles but this is the only thing we've got so you can have some relief
Colby pov
Jake was able to get her to take the shot of pain killer about half an hour ago and she's pretty chill right now, she's broken out into a cold sweat though so Jake got Elton's help and they fixed her up with a cold washcloth on her forehead and they made ice packs with the ice from a machine out in the hall and ziplock bags and placed them on her pelvis.
It's now almost 2 o'clock in the morning and everyone is awake but Jake, he's finally getting some more sleep. Elton and Sam have been on the phone for almost an hour now out in the hallway and Kat is sitting in the room chilling with Erin and I.
I've been stroking Erin's hair in the hopes it would help her relax and maybe get some sleep, but she's only closed her eyes, and still can't seem to fall asleep.
The door opened and Sam and Elton walk in finally off he phone
K- guys be quiet, your going to wake Jake up
E- well he's going to need to get up anyway
Sam walked over to the bed and gently nudged Jake awake
J- wha- what time is it?
K- about 2
E- guys, Sam and I were on the phone with the airport and the hospital, we were able to arrange an emergency flight back to LA with a gurney on board for Erin, it leaves in an hour
S- get your things pulled together they are sending an ambulance here to pick up Erin, Jake you are riding with her, the rest of us are gunna pack the car up.
Random pov
Kat stayed with Erin as everyone was moving around the room packing and getting ready to leave for the airport. Elton was helping Colby take the bags down to the car when the ambulance pulled up, so kat helped Jake get Erin out of the room and downstairs. The paramedics had a gurney out and ready for her when they got down there and once she was all strapped in that took off for the airport.
They were put on a specific plain made for transporting hospital patients to different facilities. On board the paramedics got Erin comfortable on the bed, then set up a morpheme line for her pain. It took about 20 minutes for everyone to get on and in their seats and the plane took off as quick as possible.
Colby was exhausted from being up for over 30 hours, but has done a good job at keeping it together, Sam, Katrina and Elton have gotten a  decent amount of sleep, however Jake and Colby are stubborn.
        After a 5.5 hour flight (at airport in la)
Jake pov
It's almost 7:20 in the morning and we just landed. I wasn't feeling too good after taking off so Colby let me sleep and he watched over Erin for me. As we were finishing getting our things pulled together, the door opened and a new set of paramedics came on board.
We talked for a few minutes as they checked Erin over then we got serious
P- okay you guys have two options, one, we can take her to the hospital and she can spend some recovery time there, or because you are on the special circumstances list, we can take her home
I looked at Erin, already knowing she would just want to go back to the house.
E- home.. please..
She said with closed eyes, she was so miserable the whole flight because she couldn't sleep so I'm hoping that being home means she will finally be able to rest and just being in a familiar setting will calm her down I'm sure.
P- alright well there is a car waiting outside for you guys and when your ready we'll follow behind with Erin.
E-wait.. I want Colby..
She said stretching her arm out, I could see her shaking from here. Colby moves closer and crouched down next to her when he took her hand.
C- I'm right here
Colby went with Erin in the ambulance and we pulled up back to the house about 30 minutes later.
When we parked on the curb Corey, Devyn and Aaron were outside waiting for us.

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