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"Erin- did you guys hear that?"
"Colby- I heard it, I think it's the floor, Erin maybe get away from that spot"
There was a loud crack and then everything looked like it was happening in slow motion...
As Erin lifted her foot up the floor caved in and she fell through screaming.
We all screamed her name but Colby just ran downstairs without any of us
Colby pov
I screamed Erin's name and sprinted downstairs when I didn't hear her.
Colby- Erin! Answer me!
I yelled again. When I got to all the rubble I saw her, under a bunch of wood and bricks.
I ran over and started moving everything off of her.
Colby- SAM!! ELTON!! HELP!!
I yelled at the top of my lungs.
Colby- come on Erin, talk to me!
Sam and Elton came running and dropped all their stuff then began helping me.
I lifted a heavy piece off wood off of her and she was mainly cleared, but there was a huge block of concrete on her leg, so Elton was helping Sam and I get it off.
I dropped down to my knees and put my hands to her face once it was off her leg
Colby- Erin! Hey can you hear me?! Hey look at me!
After a few seconds I saw her eyes flutter, then she began crying out in pain and was trying to move and get up
Colby- Erin! My god. we've got ya
She had blood coming from her head and random spots all over her, cuts covered her face, neck and body
Elton- guys we need to go, now!
Sam picked up the bags and the camera
Sam- how are he gunna get her out of here?
Colby- go open the gate out front and pull the car up in the loading doc we can stand on the car to get down
Elton- guys, I'll stay with her, go get the car, hurry!
I stood up and sprinted out after Sam
Elton pov
Elton- Erin, calm down and don't move okay? it looks like your leg is broken
I continued to look her over when I heard the gate outside squeak open.
Elton- okay we gotta go
I sat her up a bit as she continued to cry and when I put her in my arms she screamed really loud then went limp
I ran as fast as I could with her in my arms. As I got outside Colby was standing on the car waiting for me with his arms out
Elton- she passed out
Sam- let's go we need to go to the hospital!
Random pov
Elton passed Erin's limp body down to Colby and he carefully jumped down and Sam opened the trunk. When Elton got down he put the back seats down and told them to put her in.
When they took off Sam was driving Colby was getting directions to the closest hospital and Elton stayed in back with Erin. She was unconscious the whole car ride, and when they pulled up to the hospital they parked and Colby ran around back, picked her up and sprinted inside calling for help and got the attention of a nurse who then called for a gurney.
2 hours later
Colby pov
It's 3 o'clock in the morning, We've been sitting in urgent care for the last 2 hours and haven't been told anything. Sam called kat and Jake and told them what happened, kat said she was getting the next flight out here for them.
I couldn't take just sitting here so I walked outside to get some air. When I got to the parking garage I started breathing heavy and couldn't figure out why I was freaking out, and didn't notice Sam had followed me out
(S- Sam C-Colby E-Erin El- Elton k- kat)
S- dude what's wrong?
I turned around as Sam's expression changed
S- hey, Colby.. talk to me, what's up?
He walked closer to me and pulled me into him. I realized then that I was crying.
El- guys! We can go see her!
Elton said walking out to us. I let go of Sam and ran into the doctor that was talking care of Erin.
C- how is she? Is she okay? Can I see her?
Doctor- okay, calm down. Let's just breathe for a minute alright?
I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing and by the time my breathing was under control Sam and Elton were waiting with me.
Doctor- okay, her ankle was severely broken, she has fractures in her kneecap and her femur. She's broken 6 ribs, a bruised spleen, and a fractured pelvis. she dislocated her shoulder and sprained her wrist. As well as a pretty bad concussion and some facial trauma.
He was looking at his chart as he read everything off. I stopped listening after he was talking about more internal damage, everything was just running through my mind at once, all I could see was Erin lying under the rubble and the only thing I could hear is her screaming as she fell through the floor.
When I snapped out of it I saw a room number on his paper right next to Erin's name so I walked over to the nurses station and asked where to find room B37. Turns out it was right down the hall.
As I neared the door I could hear crying. I threw the door open and stopped in my tracks when I saw her..
E- C..Colby?..
She was sobbing , and breathing like I was out in the parking garage as the machines were going off.
I walked right up to her and grabbed her only free hand.
C- I'm right here, shhhh
My other hand went to her head and began pulling her hair out of her face and wiping the tears.
C- your okay.. I've got you, i promise
She was still crying but I can only assume it's because of pain. When Her grip on my hand got tight the machines stopped going off and she seemed to have calmed down a bit.

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