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Random pov
As the guys were telling Devyn what they knew, crying from upstairs became audible, but before anyone could react Jake was already on his way down the hall to Colby's room.
Jake pov
I woke up in my bed and heard everyone downstairs talking, and something else.
I heard Erin crying, before I knew it I found myself in front of Colby's door with my hand on the doorknob.
When I opened the door Erin was standing up leaning on the wall by the door sobbing
J- hey, what are you doing?!
I rushed to her as she began to fall and pulled her into my arms and off of the ground. She grabbed onto me and was holding on to my torso like she was giving a koala hug, but her grip was tight on me, She wrapped her good leg around my waist, leaving the other one hanging down straight with her arms wrapped around my neck and her face buried in my shoulder. I kept one hand wrapped around her waist and I put my other to the back of her head as I shushed her, trying to get her to calm down.
I found my tear stained cheeks were once again wet, despite trying my hardest to be strong for her I've been falling apart ever since we got back to LA. It doesn't matter what I do, I just can't seem to help her.. and I've seen all the pictures from her doctors appointment and the amount of hate she is getting from all of Colby's fans is unreal. You would think if he's happy all of his fans would be happy for him, but I guess not.
Colby genuinely cares for Erin, that much is obvious and I really don't think he's ever tried to be this involved with someone's life.
Erin still hadn't calmed down any by the time Colby opened the door to his room and made his way over to us.
After I sat down on the bed, Erin still in my arms, about 10 minutes passed before she said she felt sick.
I sat her down on the floor while Colby got the bucket from the bathroom she was using earlier in the day and when he came back he put it in front of her just as she leaned over and began to empty the contents of her stomach.
Colby pov
I called Corey into my room about 20 minutes ago to help get Jake into bed so I could focus on Erin.
She's been getting sick for about a half hour now and I moved her to the bathroom once Jake left. She is sitting on the bathroom floor leaned over the toilet and I'm sitting on the edge of the bathtub rubbing her back.
We've reached a point where it was just dry heaves as she cried and I'm really thinking about just taking her to the hospital at this point.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time, It's now just past 4:40 in the morning, and I jumped when I heard a knock at the door.
C- just keep taking deep breaths okay?
I said to her as I kissed the top of her head then got up to get the door.
When I opened the bathroom door I saw Devyn standing in the hall
D- how's she doing?
C- she still getting sick, I'm starting to think I should take her to urgent care
D- at this point it's not worth it to have her be this miserable, I say you should take her. I can stay here with her if you want to go get dressed
C- ya that would be great actually, thank you
D- no problem
She gave me a hug before heading into the bathroom and immediately to Erin's said when she started throwing up again.
I ran into my room, threw on a shirt, hoodie and my black vans, then proceeded to put another one of my hoodies, a pair of Erin's sweatpants and my wallet, phone charger, Erin's phone etc, in a bag and headed back to the bathroom with a blanket in hand.
I opened the door and saw Devyn putting Erin's hair back up into a messy bun as she was washing her mouth out again.
Erin was only in a tank top and spandex so I wrapped her in the blanket before heading downstairs, Devyn followed with the bucket in hand and opened the front door, grabbing my car keys on the way out.
D- Let me drive you
C- are you sure? I don't want to keep you up Devyn
D- Colby just get in the car
I didn't think and just did as she said. Once I got Erin laying down in the back and Devyn took off, I called the hospital.
(Colby- c Hospital- h)
H- hello, this is central l.a hospital how can I direct your call?
C- hello this is Colby Brock, I'm apart of the Pennsylvania accident that happened a few weeks ago, I was told that if we were ever bringing Erin Webber in we needed to call this number.
H- oh yes, okay that you for calling. We will have a room on standby. Just come to the front desk and we will have a nurse take your room
C- okay thank you so much
Once I hung up I called Elton
C- hey, Elton
El-hey where did you go I saw you and Devyn head downstairs
C- were on our way to the hospital with Erin right now, can you tell Corey that Devyn is with me
El- ya no problem, is she okay what happened
C- she's been throwing up and has broken out into a cold sweat again, but it's been getting worse over the course of an hour
El- damn, ya I'll tell Corey, do you guys need anything?
C- I don't think so, we'll call Sam when we get there, and well keep you updated in the group chat, fill Jake in when he wakes up and try to keep him home, there's nothing he can do here.
El- on it

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