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(Colby was angry. He remembered about Erin's doctors appointment and wanted to let everyone know what really happened)
No, this is what I want to talk about. All of this negativity started a few days ago at a doctors appointment Jake and I were taking Erin to. I waited with Erin at the side of the building so Jake could go get the car. She was in pain, so she was crying and upset, Now i don't want to put these two people on blast but what they did was really fucked up and neither Jake or I have acknowledged it yet. 2 people recognized Erin and I as we waited and started screaming and telling our names as they started a full on sprint at us. Jake has pulled up with his car about the same time the girls got up to us. Jake said he would handle these people and told me to get Erin in the car. Everyone in the trap house has been trying so hard to keep Erin out of the public's eyes until she feels ready, and I know you guys are probably thinking "well what about the videos Sam has made about her?", well that's different, she is shown all the footage before anything is posted. We make sure she is okay with anything that's is going to be made public. But these two people that bombarded Jake Erin and I were recording a girl who was crying in pain and begging to just go home, and they had the audacity to get upset when we told them it wasn't a good time to take pictures, as they recorded. And posted it minutes later. How do you guys think that made Erin feel? How do you think that made Jake and I feel? We were ferocious.
I know we posted the video and you guys got so see a part of what happened the night of the accident, but you guys only saw a fraction of what happened.. I wake up at night crying because the only thing I see when I close my eyes is her screaming as she falls through the floor. She was crushed under bricks, cinder blocks and wood.. there was blood everywhere and she wasn't responding to me when I called and screamed for her..
(Colby has tried to be quiet during his live so no one would hear him but he was audible sobbing now, clinging to the pillow in his arms)
She almost died and you guys are calling her an "attention whore"...
(Colby buried his face in the pillow and just cried, seconds later the door opened, and in came Elton and Jake.)
J- Colby
(Jake saw Colby's live was on and pulled him out of the chair and into his arms)
J- Elton cut the live
Random pov
Elton turned the love off then turned to Jake and Colby
E- hey him to his room
He said as he left going to get Erin up. As Jake was trying to get Colby to calm down Elton was already at Colby's room, when he opened the door Erin was sitting up crying with her phone in hand.
El- you saw?
She nodded her head
El- he really needs you right now Erin.
She sniffed as she dried her face with the sheets
E- I know
Erin pov
I saw the whole live video.. I heard every word he said.. my phone already Started blowing up but By the time Elton was in the room I just shut it off and put it on the table.
I could hear Colby's crying from down the hall getting closer, so I threw the blankets off and was struggling to get myself to the edge of the bed
El- here let me help
Elton came over and put his arms under me so he could pull me out of Colby's bed quick. When he set me down I saw Jake round the corner coming into the room as Colby leaned into him.
When he picked his head up and saw me he let Jake go and I was only able to take half of a step towards him before he pulled me off of the ground and into his arms. I wrapped my good leg around him and tightened my arms around his neck keeping one hand to the back of his head as he cried into my chest.
E- we'll be downstairs, yell if you need anything okay?
I nodded and Jake followed Elton out of Colby's room shutting the door behind him.
E- hey, look at me
I put my hands to the sides of his face and guided him to look up
My heard shattered even more now then it did watching the video. I could see the pain in his eyes, he was just so tired.
E- everything is going to be okay, I promise
I tilted his chin up and softly pecked him on the lips then he put his head back down and I felt his breathing begin to steady.
C- I love you
E- I love you too
He walked over to the bed and set me down, still holding onto my hand as he stood in front of me
E- when was the last time you had something to eat? Did you check your bl-
C- I'm fine
E- let me see your bag
C- I said I'm fine
E- okay and if your fine your shot for today should be empty, is it?
I watched as Colby grabbed the black bag out from his dresser and handed it to me
When I opened it I saw that the shot was still full, I took it out of the case and handed it to Colby.
Slowly he took it from me and lifted up his shirt, he stuck himself in the hip and when it was empty he handed it back to me to put in the case, once it was closed he took it back from me and put it away.
E- come lay down
C- I cant I've still got to edit for the Sam and Colby channel
E- Colby, I'm not asking.

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