Chapter 24: Summer Camp

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I hear a small sound against the door. I turn and see a little girl walk through.

"Auntie!!!!"She runs to arms open wide

"Bell? What are you doing here!?"I grab her into a tight hug

I see my brother walk in

"AUSTIN!!"I scream and let go of Bell, hugging him 

"Hey Noel"He briefly chuckles

"What are you guys doing here?!"I ask stepping away

He gives me the look that scares me. He tells Bell to go play,  I walk away from him and sit back at my desk

"Mom called"


"You could have called me, I could have helped with the money. Noel, have you gone crazy!"


"You let him take your virginity and let him treat you that way?!  You're so damn lucky I have my daughter to think about or I would have beat that mans ass!"He growls

"I had it coming, it takes two people"

"Noel, why are you defending this man?! You know how hard it is to hear that my little sister is sleeping around! Having other guys babies for money! You're so fucking stupid!"

I hate to see him like this, so upset because of my actions

"I couldn't ask you to help. I promised to do this on my own. You're taking care of your daughter all alone"

He pauses

"If you picked up the phone once and awhile, you would know we are fine and I am not alone"He states

"What? What are you talking about?"I question 

He gets something out of his pocket, his phone. He shows me his background

"WHEN? WHO!?!"I scream and jump up and hug him

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"WHEN? WHO!?!"I scream and jump up and hug him

"Six months ago to Tiffany"He smiles

"Omgosh! From High school!?"I ask stepping away looking at the ring


"Congrats Austin"I smile "You deserve this"

"So do you! So stop having sex with the wrong people and look for someone you see yourself marrying. NO MORE paying for mom and dad. Just take care of Lizzy"

"I'm not having sex with everyone. Had sex with two guys Austin, you make it seem like I'm some-"

"DINNER!"Mom yells

"We will finish later"He points to me walking out

"Dessert?"I ask following him out to the hallway, down to the kitchen

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