Chapter 15: Loss for words

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I walked into my room. Lizzy heard what happened and was laughing so much when Josh wasn't around. I made her sleep in her own room. Josh hasn't talked to me about the whole accident. I am hoping he doesn't...I walk over closest and grab Joshs shirt because its big enough on me, not putting on pants.  I wash my face and teeth before walking over to my bed. Just then my door opens and Josh walks in. I sit up fast and looking at him not taking my eyes off him. 

"I am so sorry. The words just came out and-"

"I warned you about the cameras. You know this will be over the papers and news in the morning if not already"He sighs sitting on the couch

"I know, I fu^ked up"I whine falling back into my pillow "What are we going to do?"

"We have to play it off until the baby is here"

"WHAT!?"I sit up, getting out of bed walking over to him

He looks me up and down

"Josh! Eyes up here!!"I yell

He clears his throat and begins "I've talked to everyone and they said its best to play this off"

"I am not doing that!"


"No Josh, I'm not!"

"We have to gosh dang it and your going to do it! You got us into this mess Noel! Not me!"He yells standing up

"I can't do this! What happens after!? Josh! You know how crazy this is!"I cry in anger

Stupid mood swings...He walks over and puts his hands on my arms rubbing them

"I know its crazy. We will figure this out in the morning. Let's not ruin this night. I wanna look at houses OK?"He speaks changing the subject

"Really!"I shout in anger "This is going to ruin me! We can't do this! Just tell them I made a mistake in the heat of the moment please"

"Noel, I can't"

I began to cry....Why? Who the fu$k nows

He wraps his arms around me holding me close

"Marriage is such a hard subject for me! Josh! You know that! You can't let me go through with this! You know a secret that my sister doesn't even know! You know this will hurt me! Don't make me do this please!"I cry 

"Noel, I understand I do...We can talk more in the morning OK. Just calm down and breath ok"He states rubbing the tears away from my eyes

Doing what he says I do. Ignoring all the crazy crap, I just hug Josh, forcing the tears to stop. 

"Than-AHHHHHHHHH"I scream falling on the floor holding my stomach in pain

"Noel! What's wrong!"He screams going to me

"THE BAB-AHHHHHHHHH!" I spread my legs not carrying about my panties showing

"SOMEONE CALL 9-1-1 NOW!"He yells


Josh puts my head on his lap. 

"Its OK Noel. You're going to be OK and the baby. You have to be OK and the baby will be"

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