Chapter 18: Last Night

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I open my eyes and my head throbs. I look around the room...Where am I? I look down and see an arm on me. What the h*ll? I slowly turn my head and see-TOWEL MAN! Oh no! No! No! No! I look back and see the wine glass tipped over on the to my........bra! I look down and pulling the sheet up a little bit.

"SH!T!"I yell

Towel man moves around before slowly opening his eyes

"Morning" He smirks pulling me near him

He's naked

"NO!"I push myself away 

I grab the sheet, wrapping is around me standing up, ignoring the pounding in my head. 

"W-what happened?!"I ask him rubbing my head

"A lot"He smirks "Come back to bed, its early"

"What? No! What happened?!"I ask him

He sits up, yawning. He rubs his face before looking at me. "You seriously don't remember?"

"No I don't! Or I wouldn't be asking you!"

"I need Advil, coffee and I shower before we talk"He gets out of his bed

"CLOTHES PLEASE!"I gasp closing my eyes

"You already saw it all....and I saw it all" He says before walking into the bathroom shutting the door

I gasp...What the h*ll happened!!

I slum to the floor and I cry my eyes out


Hailey's POV: 

"Anything yet?"I ask Liz

"No"She cries

"Do we call the cops?"I pace back and forth


"No"I reply

"Why?"She cries

"Because the reporters are out there! Josh will know! The world will!"

"Who fu*king cares!"She screams


"Fine but, you answer to Josh when he finds out"I reply and her face goes white before she runs into the bathroom throwing up. 

Where are you Noel? 


"We will find her"The guy said before walking out of the room

"We will get a guy to come up and set up for a ransom call"

"You think she was kidnapped?"Liz asks

"I am not sure right now"

"I will be back"The man says walking out

"What are we going to do?"She cries

"Call Josh"

She looks at with big eyes


"Now you have to explain"I state sitting on the stool next to the bed, now fully clothed and working in the brain

"Alright, Let's see it started when we lied to the reporters..."

'Help me'

He looked confused before his eyes went wide. 

"Your Noel Noel?"He whispered

"What does that even mean?"I whisper

"Your the one from the carpet that is marrying Joshua from the Top 40"

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