Chapter 4

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Going over our recent conversation, between Joshua and I, I remind myself that I can do this. I'm strong and brave, I'd do anything for my little sister. I roll over on my bed, stomach pressed against the bed, my legs sticking up from resting on my knees, I glance over at the photo on my dresser. There was little Lizzy on the swing making a silly face at my cell phone. That was the first day I got Lizzy back and we went to the park for a picnic. Everything was alright in the world, we were happy and tackling the world together. Now, I sigh, everything is hard and scary. We've been through so much that I can't take an easy road, complicated is us and easy would be boring. 

But, is it worth putting Lizzy through this? Sure, it helps our financial situation but, at what cost to her mental state?


Coming out of my thoughts, I search for my phone that was mixed into the sheets. I finally find it and unlocking the phone. I then click the messages and see that it was from Josh. 

Surrogate Boss Josh👶

Checking in on your womb, how have you been feeling?

Checking in on my womb?  I chuckle at the odd wording

My "womb" is where it's supposed to be

Surrogate Boss Josh👶

Not what I meant. How have you been feeling since our last visit?


Everything is fine

I was wondering if you could be available tomorrow morning? I want to go over a couple things before my shift at work

Surrogate Boss Josh👶

You signed paperwork already Noel

We have an agreement

You can't back out without a legal battle

Oh my goodness, I see more bubbles pop up and I have to slow him down


Joshua, it has nothing to do with that

I mean yes about the surrogacy but, not about backing out

He reads my message and nothing follows. I sit up in my bed when I see bubbles pop up 

Surrogate Boss Josh👶

30 minutes past 10 am tomorrow, same place as the first


See you tomorrow, goodnight

And, I promise, no backing out

Nothing followed after he read the message, deciding that was enough. I power my phone off and get myself ready for bed.


Grabbing my purse, I fix my hair in the mirror next to the door. My eyes scan my outfit through the mirror, hoping I look appropriate enough. White tank top, brown leggings with a matching sweater hangs loosely on my body. My hair is slicked back into a messy bun, light makeup, I smile.

Quickly leaving the house, I make my way over to the cafe. Soon arriving, parking, I head inside to which I order a macchiato. Thanking the barista, I find a spot to sit closest to the window facing the parking lot. I check my phone clock, noticing I have less than ten minutes before Joshua arrives. Taking a sip of hot coffee, my phone rings.

'Good Morning sweet girl' I smile to myself as I answer

'Good Morning, I miss you' She answers lowly

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