CHAPTER 26: Relieved A Little.....

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After balling my eyes out until I had no more tears left in me, I got out the bath, put my PJ's on and called up my doctor to make an appointment with him for an examination to make sure it isn't back. I'm sure it's just benign or something. Although there have been some cases that doctors have missed a few things.

Whatever though cause I'm just not able to think about any of that right now.

When I got off the phone, I started heading into the kitchen to look for some tea and something to eat but came to a sudden stop as soon as I noticed a figure leaning against one of the was Parker's dad.

"Oh my god!" I gasped.

He just stands there smirking and then nods his head while looking behind me and as soon as I turned around, I felt somebody punch me hard and knock me out.

When I woke up I had a throbbing pain in my head while the right side of my face was in pain. It was sensitive to the touch also when I tried to touch it.

I next start to realize that my wrists are zip tied together in front of my as well as my mouth is duct tape shut. I also notice that I'm still in my brother's condo.

While trying to still scream, I look up and see Parker's dad laughing in a sinister way as he gets off the phone while Stan is sitting across from me in a chair as well as a few other guys are standing around looking at me.

The other guys look as though they are part of the Mafia or something.

"Good, you're awake." Parker's father says with a smirk and then takes a chair and turns it around and sets it down backwards a few feet from me before sitting on it and putting his arms over the back.

I notice him motion with his head towards Stan who then stands and walks over to me and rips the duct tape off my mouth.

It felt like the tape took off some skin as well with the stinging of the pain still there.

"Fuck!" I yell in pain.

"Oh shut the hell up!" His father says while Stan takes a seat again.

"What the fuck is wrong with you people?!" I start to cry.

"That's a new one. Usually people first ask what the kidnapper wants and why they're doing what they're doing. But that's a first darlin'."  His father states.

"We have a surprise for you." Stan chimes in while grinning at me. "Come on out!" He calls out.

Then I look over and see Cam? Oh my....How did he get out of prison? How could he have found me?

"Hello sweetheart! Miss me?" He grins as he starts walking towards me.

I start to cry and try to stop myself so that I didn't show any of them weakness, ESPECIALLY him.

"How did you find me?" I asked.

"It was easy. My good friend Stan here told me that he knew someone that I might like to see again." He smirks. "It's been a long time. You know, you had me put away for a long time." He says as he slowly gets closer and closer until he is only inches away from my face and leans over and holds himself up from placing his hand on the couch.

"Don't come near me." I try and say sounding assertive.

"Oh sweetheart, I miss hearing you screaming my name. Not to mention, that guy who's been fucking you, I'm gonna break his fucking jaw." He says under his breath and then leans in and kisses me but I don't kiss him back and instead, I bite his lip and cause him to bleed pretty bad. Might even need stitches.

"Fuck you asshole!" I say while spitting in his face.

He next comes up and slaps me really hard.

"Fucking Cunt! You're gonna pay for that!" He yells.

"Hey! Back off!" Stan says to him.

"No. You said I could have her. That was the deal!" He says.

"Not yet!" Parker's father says through clenched teeth. "Now go sit down next to Stan and keep your cool. My son and her brother will be here very soon." He states.

They're on their way? Was that who Parker's dad was on the phone with moments ago? And wait, do they know what's going on? Wait, and hold up, did I hear Cam correctly? How did he know that me and Parker had sex? Then it hit me. Parker had never filmed us. Oh god, how could I ever think. Oh shit. Then he's gonna come here thoughts immediately get interrupted as soon as we here the door open.

When I look and see it's both my brother and Parker I am more relieved than anything but also scared at the same time at what's going to happen next.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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