CHAPTER 25: I Swear......

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I stop my car abruptly in front of Ally's and Drake's apartment building and hurry to get out when I see Drake walking outside and see's me. He looks pissed off.

"Drake, I...." I try to start and explain.

"Get in the car. We need to talk." He says as he holds up his hand to stop me.

I just agree and nod my head as we both get in and I start heading off towards a bar that's more like a hole in the wall and is more of an older crowd that's laid back more than most.

We both order some beers and I start to try and apologize and explain that I had nothing to do with any of those pictures and videos.

"Drake I want you to know that those pictures and the video, I never sent those. I never even took them." I begin.

"I know." He says.

"What? You believe me?" I ask feeling relieved.

"Well I know you're not the brightest person in the world and I knew right away that you weren't that smart." He says.

We both then share a laugh.

"True." I agree.

"My sister on the other hand. She's been through so much in her life. She had shitty boyfriends that always treated her like shit. Her last relationship ended badly. She was dating her boss at the time and he did things to her that made me want to kill him. I still do. But, she took matters in her own hands and had him sent away." He says as he takes a drink from his beer.

"What did he do?" I asked feeling pissed off too that someone hurt her.

"He assaulted her. Then he had threatened to post a video he had of them having sex and would post it on the web. She got freaked out and then Abbie finally helped convince Ally that he could be put away for it. And he did. When he came into her life, it was at the worst time too because she had been sick a couple years before with breast cancer and after she got better, she found a job and he was her boss who I guess convinced he was a good guy. I guess she felt like she had to settle still or something, I don't know." He says with a look of hurt on his face.

"Oh my god. She never told me." I say in shock.

"She's not one to talk about things like that. She's moved on from it since." He says.
"Anyways, I'm not wanting to talk about that. I want you to tell me in who you think might have done this?" He states.

I don't know for sure but a couple names come to mind I tell myself feeling ashamed and embarassed that I believe it's my father who is behind all of this.

"Well I have many enemies. Being my father's son and all. It's almost like I'm a celebrity or something." I try to make a joke but he isn't laughing or cracking a smile still. Which that was dumb of me to try and do. Especially at a serious time like this one.

"Please do me the courtesy or at least show enough respect for my sister to tell me anyone you think could be behind this." He says in a serious tone.

"I might have an idea. But I'll take care of it. You should take care of your sister." I tell him.

"Don't even try to play the hero Romeo. I want in on whoever it is and I want to make them pay." He says.

"I understand where you're coming from but..." I started to try and explain but wasn't able to.

"No you don't. You don't have one fucking clue in how this feels!" He interrupts.

He's right. I have never been through something like this and if I had a sister, I would be doing the same thing also.

"Alright. The two people who I think might be behind this is Stan Gibson and my father." I confess.

"Why would your dad be behind this and want to destroy my sister over media like that?" He asks confused and even more pissed.

"Because I told him to go fuck himself after he offered me a deal." I confess.

"What kind of a deal?" He asks.

"Well, the ideas you had for me about the new look to this company, I was stupid enough to try and approach my dad with them and I guess deep down hoped he'd agree. Instead he played the same old stubborn asshole that he has always been and threw the pictures and sketches all over the place." I tell him.

"Okay, that sucks ass but again, I don't see why that involves my sister. If it's because she's the model, you don't have to worry cause she doesn't want to do it again." He says.

"It's not her. It's the idea of using people like her." I tell him.

"Real people you mean?" He states.

"Yeah." I reply and smiled before continuing. "He offered me the chance to take over the company for sure as long as I made certain that the original ideas he had for this place was the same. Not to mention he offered to take Stan out of the company and that if I were to not see Ally again then something would happen to her." I say.

"Wait, what?!" He asks sitting up more abruptly in his chair.

"At first I took him up on his offer cause I thought it was better for Ally and would keep her safe. But I was wrong. The very next day after agreeing, I told him no. He warned me something would happen to Ally and then this shit..." I stopped myself as I was starting to fight back some tears.

"I swear on my mother's grave, that I thought I could protect her. And what he did today I know what he's capable of and how much worse everything is going to get." I choke out.

Drake sits there remaining quiet for a few moments and I'm worried at what he's thinking right now.

He then takes a swig of the rest of his beer and slams the bottle onto the table.

"Interesting." I hear him say under his breath.

"What?" I asked.

"This whole time, for years that I've known you, I never once put it together that you and your old man's relationship was so fucked up." He chuckles.

"Yeah. Not many know. So like I said, I plan to take care of it." I reassure him again.

"And like I said, you ain't playing the hero. He may be your dad and Stan is whatever the hell he is to you, but she's my sister and I'd like to send a message to first of all, Stan. That bitch has always pissed me off since day one." He says.

We both then stand up and get back into my car and we begin heading over towards Stan's place. Man, this is gonna be fun. Me and my girlfriend's brother about to do some damage to one of my biggest enemies ever.

While on our way over though, he calls up his sister and right away I can tell something's up.

"Who is this?" I hear him ask the person in an angry tone. The next thing I know, he mouths for me to hurry back to his place.

What in the hell is going on?! Is she okay? Is my father there? Or Stan? Or both?! I swear.....

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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