CHAPTER 19: A Night To Remember

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Fuck! The night that I get asked by Ally to go out, happens to be the same night my cousin is coming into town.

My cousin and I have been like best friends since we were kids and we both experienced things and confided in each other since then. She even came out to me before telling anyone when she was only eleven years old. We haven't seen each other in a couple of years and she's in advertising herself and is in town for only tonight.

While heading out to lunch, I try and think of a way to tell her nicely that I have to go to a concert with my girlfriend (which is weird to say, but in a good way, weird). But I don't want to be rude.

"What's the matter?" She says.

"Nothing." I tell her.

"Don't lie to me. I know when something's wrong." She says.

"Well, this girl I'm dating asked me to a concert tonight and..." I stop as she interrupts me.

"Wait, hold up! What kind of a concert?" She asks.

"Some country music one." I tell her.

"Oh my god, you mean the Luke Bryan, Sam Hunt one?" She asks excited.

"Yeah?" I reply confused.

"I got tickets for my girlfriend and I tonight. We loooove country and a new female artist will be singing there tonight also!" She says.

"Really? So wait, you were gonna go?" I asked.

"Hell yeah. I mean, I love you and all cousin but not too much to miss all those artists in one night. I can get you in if you wanna come. Then you can meet her and I can meet your girl!" She says excited.

"Uh..." I began to think.

"Okay, that's a yes!" She says.

I just laugh and we start to get ready and then pick up her girlfriend who is really beautiful just like her and real curvy and they look cute together. Although right now I feel like the third wheel.

I try to text Ally to let her know but she doesn't reply back. Shit, I hope she didn't get the wrong idea about when I said I was having dinner with someone tonight.

Though when I told my cousin and her girlfriend, they both shook their heads and told me how much of a dumb ass I was to say that.

So we finally pull up and of course the first thing they want to do is buy a bunch of souvenirs and then next we were gonna get drinks before we went to our seats.

My cousin, Lola started teasing me a little like we always do with each other while her girlfriend was getting some souvenirs when I turn and notice through the crowd of people, Ally staring at me and right away, I know what she's thinking. So I quickly try and run towards her to try and explain.

Finally I'm able to catch up with her and as soon as I grab her hand and turn her to face me, I can see she is about to cry. She quickly removes her hand from mine.

"Ally it's not what you think, I swear!" I try and explain.

"Don't fucking try and play that game with me. I'm not stupid!" She snaps at me.

"I swear, just come over there and let me have her explain. Please, I swear that she's my cousin." I blurt out.

"Good one." She snaps at me.

"Please!" I try and grab her hand as she struggles from my grip and then thankfully, my cousin comes up behind me and her girlfriend is with her.

"Hey, sorry, couldn't get my girlfriend here away from the souvenir stand." My cousin, Lola says. "Hi! You must be Ally!" She smiles as she holds out her hand.

Ally looks at me as if she's unsure but then shakes her hand.

"Yeah. Who are you, really!?" Ally asks her.

"I'm Lola. This dumb asses cousin." She says as she nods her head towards Parker.

"Really?" Ally asks her.

"Yeah. I swear." She smiles. Then she introduces her girlfriend to her and ends up telling Ally what happened and then why we are here.

Ally suddenly begins to have a look of embarrassment.

"Oh." Ally says while looking down and face palming her face.

"You are so cute. We'll hang out the next time I'm in town." She says.

"Okay." Ally smiles at her.

"Well we better get to our seats. Enjoy yourselves." She tells us.

"You too!" Me and Ally tell her as her and her girlfriend start heading off to their seats.

I then look at Ally who avoids eye contact with me so I lift her chin up to look at me and we both begin to smile and start to kiss each other. Then we quickly grab some beers and head to the seats.

Right as soon as we get there, she introduces me to her best friend and says her and Drake are dating. Which they do make a good couple.

The concert was really good and both Ally and Abbie were dancing and singing all the words to the songs and occasionally I would catch Drake glaring at me. I understand though that he's just protecting his sister.

Afterwards I bought Ally some souvenirs and then we all grabbed a bite to eat before dropping off Drake and his girlfriend at their apartment while Ally agreed to come over to my place and I would take her home later.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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