CHAPTER 5: Please Hurry Elevator

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When I woke up this morning, I began to look at my EMAIL and started reading the long list of information about becoming Mr. Upton's assistant and damn, he seems intense. But I'm sure I can handle it.

While reading it and drinking some coffee to wake myself up after getting ready, I see my brother come walking into the apartment with his hair all messed up.

"Somebody had fun last night." I smirked at him.

"More than you." He smiles. "I'm gonna take a shower and get ready real quick and will have you drive today." He says.

He then walks into his bedroom and showers and gets ready real fast before he comes walking out.

I hand him a plate of some breakfast for him and he scarfs it down real quick and then we start heading out.

When we get down to his truck, he jokes about how at least it was still in one piece.

"Of course. We both know I'm a better driver anyways. Which by the way, you know I could have picked you up right?" I asked him as I began leaving the underground parking structure from our apartments.

"Anyways....Sorry about last night in going home with that girl and then having to leave you to deal with Parker." He laughs a little bit.

"It's okay. He wasn't too bad." I rush it off.

"Yeah well still. He's my best friend but I know what he's like with the girls and I would hate to kill him for trying anything on you that he does with his one-night-stands." He says.

"Well you won't ever have to worry about that. Plus, I'm sure I'm not his type." I laugh off.

"You're beautiful sis. I just want you to be with a good guy for once." He tells me.

"Thanks. Speaking of which." I started and was about to continue and bring up my best friend and him but he stopped me and had me pull into the Starbucks drive thru real quick before continuing towards the office.

You know, I don't know what Parker's deal was last night and I sure as hell don't know where me talking back to him the way I did came from but I really hope he doesn't remember it and does know that I am serious about this position and will prove it to him starting today since it's his recent assistances' last day.

After we got to work and got to the floors, when I was about to walk past the receptionist, she greeted me with her usual disgusted and annoyed look and stopped me from heading towards his office.

"Excuse me, where do you think you're going?" She asks rudely.

I stop and turn back to look at her.

"Oh I'm Mr. Upton's new personal assitant. My name's Ally." I say as I walk up to her and hold my hand out to shake hers.

"Yeah well, don't get too comfortable." She snarks at me.

"Okay. Well, have a good day." I tell her with a smile and then meet up with Parker's assistant and notice she has already cleared out her things from her desk.

"Good morning." She smiles as she looks up at me.

"Good morning." I smile at her in return and then she began starting the tour and giving me a tour of the place and right as we returned to the desk, we noticed that Parker wss in his office seeing as to how the lights were on inside and plus, we could see him.

She suggests I bring him his coffee and so I quickly get it and bring it to him then leave.

Of course after a few moments later of his assistant telling me a few other tips, he asks me to go into his office.

I felt more nervous than I thought I would be to be honest because of last night but oh well, maybe he forgot.

So after I got in there and took down some notes for him, I came walking back out feeling a little more relieved in knowing that I had took down all the notes he asked me to and not once having to have him repeat himself. Which happened to be one of the many lists of things he doesn't like.

His assistant actually left early today a few hours after I treated her to lunch and decided to wrap up things and prepare setting up my desk so that when I came in tomorrow, it was one less thing I had to do.

It took me a few hours to finish up the bullet points for his meeting tomorrow cause I ran some errands for Parker in between and when it came to the end of the night, Drake had taken an Uber earlier to take him home cause he didn't have much to do today as I had so he let me have the truck.

Before I had left, I asked Parker if he needed anything else as I noticed he was still working it looked like and seemed stressed out. But when he answered 'no' and that he'd see me tomorrow, I started heading down to the parking structure.

Though right before the elevator door closes all the way a hand stops it and when they open real quick, I notice it's Parker.

I decide not to say anything and keep wondering why he makes me feel nervous. So I try thinking of something to think about and ignore the amazing fragrance of his cologne that's bouncing off his body as he is standing so close to me.

"Do you have a ride home?" He breaks the silence asking me.

"Yeah. Drake let me use his truck." I reply.

"Hmm." He says as he pulls out his phone and the volume is so loud when he answers that I can hear the girl's giggle loud enough as if she was right there with us.

Please elevator go quicker. I don't want to end my first day on the job listening to them talking dirty or whatever it is that he does with women.

DING! the elevator doors open and I start walking towards the truck.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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