Chapter Fifty-Five: Nico

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Hello people of Earth!!! I come in peace!

This chapter is dedicated to LoverOfBlue69 for commenting first!! Thank youuuuu! By the way, the feedback last chapter was EXPLOSIVE so thank you so much for that, peeps!!

This chapter is kinda short, but important. I'm gonna be saving the majority of the action for the next chapter, where Nico will be arriving at CHB (CAN'T WAIT)


Nico was sick of shadow-travelling.

He figured-if he even survived this war-he would never shadow-travel ever again. It was just too exhausting, and besides, it’ll probably just remind him of this stupid quest.

He briefly glanced at Sally’s car as it weaved through the traffic of Manhattan and towards Camp Half-Blood, the Athena Parthenos’ giant figure strapped securely to the roof. Momentarily, he wondered how in Hades they had managed to get it up there in the first place, but then he figured some minor god or goddess must be helping them or something.

He closed his eyes. Like many times he had done before, he imagined the shadows as a winding passage; a door leading into darkness. He stepped forward and suddenly wind was whipping at his hair and clothes, as if he’d just been plonked on a roller-coaster. Voices wailed and shrieked in the gloom.

He stumbled back onto solid ground, light immediately blinding him. Heat flooded his senses momentarily before settling into a dull warmth.

He glanced up to see the sun high in the sky, yellow and glaring. He squinted and scanned the beach around him, and the fast food truck a few yards away.

He was in Portugal.

Nico curled his lip at the memory of Asbolus, the centaur who had ordered them to retrieve a vial of Nessus-something that had taken more effort than the son of Hades had expected.

He clenched his hand around the vial. He had slashed Nessus with his Stygian Iron sword after Reyna had left and he had exploded into dust as soon as the blade met his skin, leaving the vial-a spoil of war-in the centaur’s place.

“Asbolus!” He called as he neared the truck. “Show yourself.”

The blind snapped open and a grumpy-looking face peered out of it. “Demigod.” He grumbled, fixing his dark, beady eyes on Nico. “Have you got the vial?”

Nico cleared his throat and held it up for the centaur to see. “Now give us the prophecy.” He ordered.

Asbolus grunted and the panel snapped shut again, before the back doors opened and he emerged, his lower half the body of a sleek, brown stallion and the waist, torso, neck and head of a muscular man.  “The vial.” He grumbled, holding out his hand.

Nico shook his head and set his jaw. “The prophecy.”

To say that he didn’t trust the centaur was to say the least.

Something glinted in Asbolus’ eyes and he scratched at his bushy beard in thought. “Hmm.” He said. “I didn’t promise to give you prophecy, did I?”

Nico whipped out of his sword and held it at the centaur’s throat. “I didn’t come here for nothing.” He snarled.

The old centaur smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “No. You didn’t.” He said. “But I never promised to give it to you, so…”

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