Chapter 1

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It was an exhausting day. Concert just finished and everyone was on their way back to the hotel. The rest of the members are all sleeping behind except Jisoo who is sitting at the passenger side. She's thinking about what happened at the concert just now which made her uncomfortable.

At the encore stage, everyone was just going around dancing and waving to the fans but she noticed Jennie is quietly dancing with one of their dancers - Dean behind the band and the smile on Jennie's face was so pure and it hurt her feelings as those were not from her.

It's true that Jisoo likes Jennie since she entered YG and met her. It was not love at first sight but after a few months, she fell for her. It was a secret she kept for a few years. She never tried to tell Jennie her feelings as she knows it's inappropriate. This kind of love will never be accepted by the society, the company or even Jennie. Jisoo thought she'd get over the crush soon and it turns out she was wrong. She was still enjoying being by her side everyday until recently, word spread out that one of YG's dancer - Dean is going after Jennie.

Dean is this experienced senior who is quite good looking for a dancer. For three months he's always bringing food to Jennie and bring her out to dinners, Jennie used to return to the hostel right after their training but nowadays she'd have dinner or a walk with Dean first.

Even Lisa and Rosé are complaining about not having dinner together like they used to. They're not officially together yet but anything could happen any minute, the members just can't imagine if they were together, what time would Jennie come back every night.

Jisoo sighed and lean back against the seat. She feels as if a stone is pressuring her chest which makes it hard for her to breathe. She has no idea what to do about this feeling. She doesn't knows what does she wants from Jennie. Does she likes Jennie? Yes. She does want to hold hands with her, have body contact with her, to be specially treated by her. But she just doesn't feels like being committed into a relationship yet.

So Jisoo is quite in a dilemma now as one side of her wants to get together with Jennie and yet the other side of her can't commit into a relationship. Jisoo let loose of her thoughts and was just going to fall asleep right when they reached their hotel. Their manager woke all of them up and they went back to each's room.

After a nice bath, Jisoo was all freshen up and suddenly is wide awake. Being a little bored, she texted to their group chat:

[ chichu: anyone wants to come over? ]

[ chaeyong: I'll come, I'm a little bored ]

[ lalalalisa: okay okay i'll come too ]

[ deuki: i'll pass ]

[ lalalalisa: whyyy???? ]

[ deuki: <evil grin> ]

[ chaeyong: <hmph> ]

Knowing that Jennie's going to meet Dean, they didn't keep asking then. But, the relaxed feeling that Jisoo had after shower disappeared, suddenly the stone on her chest came back and she felt really really sorrow and even sadder the just now, all the memories of Jennie and Dean just kept flewing back to her brain.

Rosé brought a few snacks and went over to find Lisa first. Both of them with a handful of snacks pressed Jisoo's doorbell. They heard Jisoo's footsteps and some rattling on the door knobs, their face were so excited about the fun they're going to have later. They greeted:

"Jisoo Unnie!" when the doors slightly opened.

Lisa gasped and Rosé stunned when the doors are fully opened when they saw Jisoo's crying uncontrollably with a face full of tears.

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