Chapter 48: The Girl Who Befriends Monsters

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Chapter Forty-Eight
The Girl Who Befriends Monsters

Blue acts as my alarm clock the next morning, waking me up with a chorus of mews as he rolls around on the bed. When I don't wake he creeps slowly along my chest, coming right up to my face, and opens his jaws to meow again. I open my eyes before he can and he snaps his mouth closed, greeting me with a feline smile instead.

“You're horrid,” I grumble as I sit upright, my joints creaking like I'm sixty years old not seventeen. The bedside clock says it's nearly two in the afternoon.

“Morning, sleeping beauty.”

I look up as Rhys walks into the doorway to the spare room. He leans against the frame and crosses his arms over his chest, directing a lopsided smile my way.

“Morning.” I reply and run a hand through my disheveled hair.

We haven't seen each other since we kissed in his study but of course he'd decide the day when I'm still in bed, haven't yet brushed my teeth or hair, and nursing a serious hex hangover as the perfect time to make a reappearance.

“How're you feeling?” he asks.

“Like I've been hit by a truck.” I reply. “But I'll live.”

“That's good to hear.” he says. He holds my gaze long enough to make my cheeks flush and my head dip down to look at the blanket laid over my bare legs. I pick at imaginary lint until I decide to peek up at him again. When I do he glances down the stairs, listening for a moment, before looking back at me with a finger pointed over his shoulder. “Avery's telling you to get your ass out of bed.”

Of course she is.

When I have pants on again I follow the aromatic smell of baking muffins into the kitchen. Avery has two batches cooked and cooling on the bench but is still placing another into the oven. She closes the door, picks up a muffin off the rack and tosses it to me.

“Blueberry and white chocolate.” she says, smiling proudly.

I bite into it. It's warm and sweet. Breakfast of champions.

“So how are we going to find out who hexed you?” she asks before I've even swallowed my first bite.

“I've got no idea.” I reply. “Morna didn't see it in her vision. I definitely don't know.”

“Well what about Elise?”

That suggestion strikes me suddenly. It's very possible that she could have been the one who did it. I had just returned from her house when I'd originally started to get the headaches that led to the rest of the disaster.

Anger follows quite quickly after that.

“If you can wait until these muffins are finished then I'll go with you to see her.” Avery says, already pulling off the oven mitt over her left hand.

“No, I'll go alone.” I say. “You're a Werewolf, Avery. I'm pretty certain you're the last person she'd let anywhere near the cove, whether you're her daughter's friend or not.”

Avery doesn't look happy but it happens anyway. I finish my muffin, have a quick shower and get dressed. Rhys is sitting on the lounge watching TV and Avery's standing near the door when I head for it.

“Everyone's coming over in an hour.” she tells me.

I frown. “Why?”

“Because none of this feels right.” she replies. “I have a bad feeling – in fact we're all worried. I think that something bad is going to happen soon.”

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