Chapter 40: Wandering

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Chapter Forty

I abandon the visit to The Red Star, drive back to Westershade and park in my driveway, fully prepared to walk inside the house right up until the moment I get out and actually see the lights on inside, knowing for certain that dad's in there completely unaware that his wife is here.

It's like the resistance I built up against the tears on the way here crumbles away and I sink back against the car, covering my mouth to mask the sound to my own ears.


I look up to see Rhys walking up the driveway from the street, hair messy and clothes askew, and I wonder if he shifted to get here.

“Listen, I'm sorry about before.” he says. “I didn't –“

His expression changes the moment he sees the tears.

Everything just seems a thousand times worse now that someone else has seen me, stepped as close as they can to the reality that has just kicked me in the gut.

“Oh Parker,” he says.

And the next thing I know I'm propelling myself into his open arms, resting my head against his chest as he wraps them around me, my unconcealable crying only slightly muffled against his shirt.

“Shh, it's alright.” he whispers. “You're okay.”

And for a long while, I let myself believe it.


We're walking through the quiet night of Westershade, following an undetermined path along the sidewalk, passing every now and again beneath a yellow streetlight that beams down on us and the road below.

My tears have dried up now and I've swiped away the gross crying snot from my upper lip. I'm an unattractive crier; all red blotched face and puffy eyes. But our last half hour of wandering has given me time to calm down, take a deep breath, and clean myself up.

I haven't told Rhys why yet. When he'd asked I'd been too choked up to speak, though I don't know what I would have said anyway. For the last thirty minutes we've talked about school, the diner, the weather. Anything that fell into the category of supernatural was left out of the conversation. Until now.

“So, three miles, completely butt naked?” I ask Rhys with a grin I can't believe I'm wearing.

He nods bashfully, lips pressed together.

“Why didn't you just change back?”

“I couldn't!” he protests. “No matter how hard I tried, I was just too tired. So when I finally came to a washing line I stole a woman's dress – which was at least four sizes too small for me – and walked the rest of the way home.”

I burst into laughter at the thought of Rhys dirty, post-change, wandering around in a pink floral dress.

Before I may have thought he didn't have a sense of humor, that he was just Avery's grumpy older brother, but I was wrong. He's actually quite funny and he has a knack for taking someone's mind off things that would otherwise have kept them upset.

“It's not the first time it's happened.” he says, shaking his head as he smiles. “Avery came home once in a pair of bright orange sweats and a Harvey's t-shirt.”

That makes me smile, but the topic of Avery noticeably dulls my mood.

“She's really sorry, you know.” he says, picking up on it.

I nod.

“We didn't mean to... to leave you the way we did.” he continues.

I shake my head.

"I know I'm fairly new to the group but a text at least would have been nice." I say.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what we were thinking.” he apologizes. “Well, I guess we weren't thinking. For a long time it's just been Avery and I; we aren't... familiar with having someone else we need to worry about. It's the same for the others, too. All our friends are Shapeshifters. We aren't used to having to wonder if they're in danger. Our kind are strong, we heal, but you..."

"I'm helpless."

He stops.

"You aren't helpless, Parker.” he says as if the indication alone is ridiculous. “You're strong. And I know that if you wanted to fight, if you wanted to learn how to defend yourself, you could in a heartbeat. Even as a human, you aren't helpless."

I look down at the pavement, my timid smile directed at white concrete instead of him because I know he's still staring at me, storm grey eyes filled with a resolute certainty.

We've paused beneath an overhead lamplight. The odd few night moths are bumping into the glass casing over the bulb, seemingly oblivious to the fact that they can't actually reach what they desire.

Rhys quietly clears his throat.

“You could stay the night at our place if you want.” he offers. “Avery's out with Jennifer patrolling the forest.” he bumps his chin in the direction of the nearby tree line. “In case you... didn't want to go home or whatever.”

I bite my lip. Instead of just Dad and I alone at home, it would be Rhys and I alone at his.

“Maybe another time.” I say. My voice squeaks a little as I quickly try to force away my blush. “I have work in the morning and I've got to talk to my dad about... some stuff.”

“Does that stuff have anything to do with why you were crying before?” he asks me, eyebrows raised. My small smile and shrug is the only answer I give.

“Alright. I'll walk you home.” he says, then turns away and starts down the sidewalk. I'm still standing beneath the light, watching him when he turns back around.

“Well?” he asks. “Are you coming?”

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