Chapter 16: Half Moon

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Chapter Sixteen
Half Moon

I don't remember falling asleep on Avery's couch but when I wake up the next morning I'm positivity certain that's where I ended up after our four hour card game marathon the night before. After the first couple rounds we started getting really competitive - well, as competitive as you can get while playing Snap! - and eventually lost track of time.

I pull myself off the couch and inch down the hall towards the bathroom, my eyes half closed and sore from lack of sleep. I bump head first into something solid and immediately think; How stupid, I've walked into a wall.

I lean forward, rest my cheek against the wall despite the morning cold that should be creeping across it's surface and nearly fall asleep standing up.

Then I realize its not cold at all. It's...warm.

I look up.

And Rhys looks down, his eyebrows raised at me in amusement.

I yelp and jump back, fully awake and aware now that I've embarrassed myself for the first time today. I quickly dart past him and disappear into the bathroom before he can say a single word.

I move over to the sink where I splash my face with warm water. I look up into the mirror and deflate with disappointment. My reflection isn't even trying to hide the exhaustion I'm feeling.

I flip through Avery's cupboard's looking for her make-up. I find it and when I'm done applying the things I've picked out, I look slightly less like a zombie and more like a human being. I pull my hair into a bun and head for the kitchen.

Rhys leans back in his chair in the center of the kitchen and looks me up and down. "Not much of a morning person?"

"Shut up." I mumble and pour myself a coffee from the pot he's made. I sit down across from him.

"So," He says. "Do you hug every random person you see in the morning or is that privilege reserved just for me?"

"You make terrible coffee." I jab instead of responding, even though it taste's pretty good.

"And that's why your still drinking it?" He asks sarcastically with a roll of his eyes.

"Good morning." Avery greets from the doorway as she shuffles into the kitchen wearing a red and white bathrobe.

"Morning." I greet and scrunch my nose up in Rhys direction while she's peering into the fridge.

"Eggs?" She asks and holds up a gray carton.

I shake my head and throw back the last sip of my coffee. "I'm okay. I've got to go back to Westershade in about five minutes."

"Why?" She asks and pulls a frying pan out of one of the cupboards.

"I have to go into work and get my schedule for the next two weeks." I get out of my seat and look to Rhys. "Car keys?"

A couple nights ago, he'd cleaned the lounge room and told us to ask him if we couldn't find anything. Last night I couldn't find my keys, so here we are.

He reaches behind him and into a small wooden bowl on the counter. He pulls out my keys and tosses them to me.

"It's a nice car." He says.

"Shame you won't be driving it ever again." I reply and move towards the door.

"That's what you think!" He shout's before I step out into the garden.


That night I'm moving around my room getting ready to meet Avery's friends and attempting to prevent myself from getting nervous.

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