Chapter 6: Stings Like A Bitch

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Chapter Six
Stings Like A Bitch

The ding of my alarm clock brings me spiraling out of sleep and I open my eyes without even a moment of hesitation.

The events of last night are still bouncing around my head, giving me crazy thoughts and even crazier dreams.

The lion had turned back to his normal black cat form before coming inside the house last night and had laid outside my bedroom door when I slammed it shut behind me. Every time I looked at him as I stood from the grass in the backyard and cautiously walked inside, I expected him to jump up and change into some kind of blood-thirsty over-sized beast.

Even so, thinking about Blue is better than thinking about the body. I haven't even looked in the direction of the garden since I dragged the man into the cover of the forest and threw a tarp from the back deck over his body.

I didn't think I would be able to sleep but almost an hour after I set my head on the pillow I did exactly that. But what greeted me beyond then didn't keep me asleep for very long. For the last three hours my mind has been replaying the stranger's death and Blue's change in distorted and even more frightening ways over and over again.

I can already imagine what school is going to be like. I'll walk around worried and confused and frightened and everything people say will annoy me.

Plus there's also the cat lying outside my door.

So instead of facing that I roll over in bed and pull my alarm clock out of the wall.

Two minutes later, my phone rings. The caller ID says that it's Avery.

"It's time to get up." she says the moment I answer. "I'm starting school today and there's no way in hell I'm going without you."

I let my eyelids fall shut and sink further into my pillow.

"I'm sick." I lie.

"No you're not. Get up; I'll be at your house in an hour."

The line goes dead and I drop it onto my bed side table. I roll out of my blankets and head towards my closet. When I'm dressed and the only thing left to do is go to the bathroom to clean my teeth and brush my hair, I hesitate before the door.

When I finally open it the black cat at my feet looks up. The blood on his jowls is gone now.

I step over him and walk down the hall.

Maybe if I pretend it didn't happen, I'll soon believe that it really didn't.


When Avery and I begin our walk across the school parking lot I begin to fidget. I touch my hair, adjust my shirt, scratch my chin.

"Jesus," says Avery. "You're more nervous than me."

"No I'm not." I mumble and tighten my hold on my bag.

People mill casually past us, not even acknowledging the girl walking with me. But when we enter the schools front gates everyone, and I mean everyone, turns to look at us.

Or really, Avery.

"Are you sure about this?" I whisper in her ear.

She nods, straightens her stance and continues down the hall beside me.

As we pass I catch snippets of conversation from other students as they turn to the people beside them.

"Is that..."

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