Chapter 46: Bewitch

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Chapter Forty-Six

“So evil Witch-mother is the leader of a Coven?”

The school bell still hasn't rung so when Avery and I walk in through the front doors of Westershade High I steer us towards our usual table out in the courtyard. I skim the crowds as we go, looking for Stacey or Lara.

I shrug. “That's what she said.”

“The other Witch named Raina?” Avery asks.


“And they called her a High Witch? And Elise said that the coven was the reason she left? And that you would have had an auntie if she wasn't dead? And she kicked you out?”

I bypass all the other questions and decide to just answer the last one.

“She didn't kick me out.” I insist. “Chill. You don't need to storm the castle.”

“I don't like her.” she says. “I really don't like her.”

“I know but unfortunately she is the person who birthed me and bestowed these, you know, extraordinary powers or whatever and considering she knows more about being a Witch then I do we have to tolerate her at the moment.”

Avery grumbles bitterly, boarding on a low, humming growl. I gently elbow her to stop the sound.

“If you think this is bad,” she says. “Then you'll rue the day when Elise Crawford and I meet.”

“And who might that be?” someone asks.

My chuckling laughter cuts off when I spot Merida ahead of us.

“Do you even go to your classes?” Avery asks her. “Or do you just lurk in the hallways, lean against walls, and put in your opinion where it isn't needed?”

“Oh come on, sweetheart, my opinion is very needed.” Merida straightens up and gives us her best, most devious smile – the first warning that she's striving to cause trouble.

She turns to me, the nefarious smirk still set in place, even though her eyes soften just that smallest fraction in a change that I only barely notice.

"It's good to see you aren't dead.” she says. Her faint care is gone already. “You definitely don't smell like it anymore."

The disquiet I'm edging towards settles fast.

"What are you talking about?" Avery takes half a step forward.

Merida waves her hand like she just remembered something that was otherwise clearly evident before. "Oh right, you weren't there. A few days ago your little Witch here looked as if she'd been dragged through the lowest circle of hell.”

My blood turns to ice.

"How do you know that?"

Merida glances at me, casting her smirk a twitch higher, before she looks back at Avery.

“But I suppose you wouldn't have known that considering you where no where to be found." she says.

"I was-"

"Too busy to save your closest friend from having her head ripped off?"

I can practically see the rage stirring beneath Avery's skin, summoning up claws and coat and strange eyes that glow from her own.

“Don't piss me off, Merida.” she warns. “There's five days to the next full moon. I don't want to have to bury a body.”

Full moons equal incredibly heightened agitation. I'll keep that in mind.

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