Chapter 12: Running Scared

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Chapter Twelve

Running Scared

All rational thoughts leave me.

I'm only hearing the blaring warning tones going off inside my head, screaming I do one thing;


And that's exactly what I do.

As I charge through the forest, back towards my car, I don't once think that maybe the gigantic beast chasing after me might actually be faster than me, that it might actually be stronger than me.

I don't realize until I'm slipping the key into my car lock and hearing the frantic scratching of claws against gravel, that maybe it's already too late.

I jump into the driver's seat, throat burning and ears ringing. I don't want to look up. I don't want to see the creature running towards the car with it's long, obsidian claws it could probably rip the car door right off it's hinges with.

My hands are shaking so bad that I can't get the key into the lock. I jitter around, stabbing the side, until their jarred out of my hands.

"Parker!" screams a voice. "Wait!"

I sweep the keys off the floor, take the most relaxed breath anyone could in this situation and slowly slide the key into the lock. I turn it and the car roars to life. The headlights flick on and immediately illuminate Avery's face in front of the car, frantically pleading and waving for me to stop.

I put the car into reverse and spin out backwards before slamming it back into gear and swinging it across the dirt to face back down the road. I don't hesitate. I drive as fast as I can.

I'm swearing, cursing, sweating, as I speed down the road back towards Westershade.

Why in the hell did I get us so isolated? Why did I take us so far away from people?

My heart is slamming against my rig cage, pumping adrenaline and fear through my veins at an almost inhuman rate. Through the tangle of thoughts in my brain I try to piece together what I've just seen.

She exploded; her skin evaporated, her clothes tore away from her body, her pretty pink lipped smile contorted into a long, dark snout. I saw sharp teeth and gums, red like blood. I saw fur and claws and paws and ears-

I saw an animal wearing the eyes of my friend.

I saw a wolf.

I slam my hands against the steering wheel and squeeze my eyes closed against tears.

A blaring horn jerks me upright in my seat. Headlights slash across my vision and a red car speeds past me, the annoyed face of the driver glaring me down.

I pull the car over to the side of the road out of the passage of oncoming traffic. The last thing I want is a car crash and a hospital bill I'll have no chance in paying.

I lean my forehead against the wheel, tears burning my eyes and fear shaking my limbs.

This cannot be happening, this cannot be happening, this cannot be happening, this-

The car door beside me swings open and I startle in shock just as a bag is pulled over my head and pain explodes behind my eyelids.

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