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FUCK MAN. I'm always fucking something up. Shit. Now something I really wanted is messed up cause of some pussy that ain't even worth a sweet tea from McDonald's.

I gotta go to her man. Explain. I don't know how to but I won't be able to live with myself if I don't try. I've lost her before, I don't want to again.

I been crushing on her since that night.. honestly but every body told me that she was just a player and that she didn't want to settle down.. besides we were young as hell, commitment was just a word. Even after all this time I still had feelings for her and I know she had some for me too.. the other day she had our video open, that had to mean something..

But I've probably waited to long.. now she got someone else in her life..someone right next door that she feeling. Maybe my luck has run out. Maybe it's time to just back up, give her space.

But if she wanted space wouldn't she ask? I mean some people don't..

Man I may as well just go home.. this can't end well..
But not trying won't help.. fuck it.

Nova pov

What the fuck did I just see? I mean I know we weren't official and all that but damn. I'm use to seeing her hugged with another girl yeah. But for some reason I thought now would be different. Don't ask me why.

I didn't even want to think about this shit anymore

I turned the shower off, breathing out. I don't know why but I live for steaming hot showers, feels like I wash all my sins away. I wrap the towel around my body as I walked to the sink to complete my night routine. 

Alexa, play my sexlist.

After I finished I walked into my room, grabbing the sports bra I had out.  I put it over my head while I stared in the mirror. Progress was definitely being made. 

I let my hips grind with the beat, god I would kill for some pussy right now.

It's not like I had plans for the rest of the night, I may as well let my balls out. I rewrapped the towel just around my waist this time

It was getting pretty late but I wasn't tired..  I figured I'd better take this opportunity and do whatever I've been skipping on. Clean a little, reorganize whatever needed orga-

Was I tripping or did the doorbell jus ring?
Alexa, stop music.

I heard it ring again.

WHO IS IT?, I yelled. Everybody knows this is booty call hours.

No response.

I walk over to the door, looking thru the peephole. I couldn't see anything. They must've had it covered or something.

Do I really want company right now?

I started to walk away when they rung it again.


I- e..

I couldn't make out what they said but atleast they said something right?


I didn't have anything on except the bra.. should I run and put something on? Or am I good?  They probably won't even be here long enough for all of that besides if they know where I live they have seen me this way before..

I ran my hand thru my hair before opening the door, looking thru the peephole one more time, still nothing.

I felt the night air hit as I swung the door open.

Who is I-

Hey..um..can I come in?

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