P. 5

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Im 23 and I live in Texas. I know when people think Texas they think yeehaw buckaroo and shit but nah. I live in Dallas Texas and its nothing but modernism.  I know that every female after a few times being fucked around they give up on love but honestly that aint even the case. I was never looking for it in the first place tbh.  I'm not one to use the word love lightly unless it's about shoes, food, or sleep. I cant say I've ever fell in love or that I ever will I can just live in the now because lord knows what the future holds. Im not bout to try and be all emotional and fake deep/woke and shit cause that me. Most lesbians here tend to be like me or even more manlier. Ive never dated someone who wasn't femme and submissive until I met this girl named TK. 

She was about 5'7" she wore baggy pants that would hug her waist, her boxers pulled up slightly so you could see the brand she was wearing, and usually a simple shirt. If had to guess I would say she was a no label/stem you know, something between femme and stud. 

I first saw her on IG and I double tapped her picture and lowkey ended up stalking her page. I was about maybe 37 weeks in when I accidently liked another image of hers. Without realizing it I screamed fuck and just shut my phone off.  I got into the shower thinking of what could happen and I ended up calming down.  Worst thing worst she DM me.  I shrugged it off and finished showering.

After I got out I turned my phone back on and pulled down the notification bar. Isat my phone down and walked towards the fridge. Iwas choosing something to what to eat when my phone went off.  Someone was calling and it wasn't a saved number.

I put on my Tyrone voice and said" hello"

All I heard was a female laughing over then phone for the first few seconds before they got all macky and was like Nah chill ma, no need to get all deep.

Before she could say another word I asked how she got my number. She reminded me that it was on my ig from a couple weeks back when I posted that IM GAMES thing and then she introduced herself.

Her name was douce but people just called her D.

"ohhhhhhh so you stalking MY shit now D?" I said loudly trying to be mad.

"don't play me ma, I saw you was stalking my shit and decided to see who you were and ended up finding ya number".

"that don't give you a reason to call me at 1 in the morning.

"oh shit, its that la-"

"miss me with that you know what time it is."

"fine.  I was trying to see if you wanted to meet up and become friends or something." "All your post locate you in in Dallas, Texas and I live in GP".

"At one in the morning?'' "whatchu smoking man"

"aint like you busy, you checking my page and answering my calls-

"I didn't know it was yo-

"yeah whatever but chu still aint hung up Ma, so like I said you aint busy and you aint got nobody with you cause I aint heard a voice"

"so you either feeling the kidd or crazy"

"you a lil cocky huh"

"just a lil, you know a lil bit"

you could hear her smiling.

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