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By this time the seat had been let all the way back and we finished the entire blunt. Thoughts kept rushing through my head. What would happen after? Should i admit i had something for her or keep it bottled up? Did i really have something for her or was i just jealous? If i had to ask myself that then obviously i wasnt sure but i also cant help but think about those MANY MANY nights i kept waking uo from wet dreams about her. Having to take a cold shower or fuck myself until it hurt just to get her out of my mind. Of course i had feelings for her, but she had feelings for someone else and im not about to experience heartbreak at its worst.

I opened the car door and went to sit on the hood.
Eventually she got out too, putting her shirt back on.

Whas wrong?


Told you bout that lying shit man

Its nothing, dont worrry about it

Who is she?

What you mean

Who this girl that got you all lovestruck nicca

Who said anythi-

Dont play me

Its this girl i met... a long time ago you wouldnt know her though, i said looking at nova.

She um work at a coffee shop downtown and she go to college here..

Get to the point

Well we had something at one point of time but then we stopped having that" thing" for a bit but i never stopped wanting to have that " thing". But i never told her that... but now she done moved on and started catching feelings for someone else.. and im still stuck on her.

Sounds like to me you need to stop being a scared ass hoe and tell her this. It wont hurt until you try right.

Nova punched her in the arm and got into the car.

Now come on, im ready to go to sleep.

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