31- Love?

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After weeks of Sara having to put up with James and Lily, talking about the other, to her. Eventually James decided to take a chance, and ask Lily out.
"I'm going to do it. I'm going to ask Lily to go to the Christmas dance with me" announced James one morning, in the Marauders favourite secret room, behind the mirror.
"Oh good. And you think this time will be different, than all the rest? For years I've had to watch you try, and fail to get a stupid date with Evans" complained Sirius.
"I didn't fail, I just-"
"Just got bat-bogey hexed, about a dozen times-"
"Whatever. Things are different now. She actually likes me, and thinks of me as a friend, now that I've grown up"
"Yeah, you've definately got more boring this year, that's for sure"
"Oh shut up Padfoot".

James turned to Sara, with an anxious look on his face.
"You speak to her the most. Do you think she'll hex me this time, if I ask her out?" He asked.
"Honestly James, I think that is unlikely, as she doesn't seem to hate you anymore" admitted Sara.
"So you think I have a chance?"
"Maybe. I don't know. Why don't you just go and ask her, instead of questioning me, about what she might say"
"You're right. I'll go right now".
James grabbed the Marauders Map from the table, found Lily on it, and then left the room with his bag.
"Do you think Lily will say yes?" Asked Peter, through a mouthful of sweets.
"I don't know, do I. I mean, Lily does mention James a lot now, so she does seem to be interested in him. But I just don't know how she will take it, when he asks her" replied Sara.

"Oh I hope he doesn't mess this up" sighed Remus.
"You're right. If she says no, it's going to crush him. And make him unbareable to live with for a while" agreed Sara.
"Well, why don't we liven things up a bit?" Suggested Sirius, as he removed two green boxes from his pocket.
"Is that a Dungbomb?" Questioned Sara.
"Technically it's two. They ought to make James's potential date, a lot more interesting"
"No. Give them to me"
"You can't tell me what to do Burne".
Sara didn't have the energy to deal with Sirius's childish behaviour, so she whipped out her wand and summoned the Dungbombs into her hand, with non-verbal magic.
"Hey that's cheating" protested Sirius.
"Tough. I don't want you messing this up for James" replied Sara firmly.

"All this talk of dates reminds me, I haven't offically asked you to the dance with me" admitted Remus, as he took hold of Sara's hand.
"I think the fact that we've been dating for years, means that you don't have to" muttered Sara.
Remus smiled, and tucked her hair behind her ear.
"Well I'm going to ask you anyway. Sara Burne, will you go to the dance with me?"
"I would be delighted Mr Lupin".
As the pair kissed, Sirius made a sound of disgust and looked away.
"Looks like it's just me and Wormy without dates then" he sighed.
"Actually, I've got a date" revealed Peter.
Sara and Remus stopped kissing, and stared at Peter in disbelief.
"You have? Who?" Quizzed Sara.

"Her name is Olivia, and she's a 6th year Hufflepuff" announced Peter proudly.
"Oh, well. Um... Good for you Wormtail" praised Sara, as she tried not to laugh.
"Where did you meet her Peter?" Remus asked curiously.
"In Herbology club" answered Peter.
"Herbology has a club?" Sniggered Sirius.
"Padfoot" hissed Sara, as she glared at him.
"Do you think James will let me borrow some of his dress robes, for the dance?" Asked Peter.
"I'm sure he will" answered Sara.
"Well it depends on how he feels after Lily rejects him again" smiled Sirius.
"Oh be positive will you. She might say yes" reminded Sara.
"I doubt it"
"And why's that?"
"Well, Evans and Prongs are just so different. She's studious, and he's a troublemaker. And don't forget, that she used to be best friends with Snivelus, so she clearly doesn't have the best taste in men".

"She hasn't spoken to Snape in ages actually. They were never the same, after he called her a Mudblood. And anyway, James isn't as much of a troublemaker, as he used to be. He's calmed down a lot, which is a good thing" insisted Sara.
"If you say so. I just didn't think that Evans would ever go out with someone like Prongs" shrugged Sirius.
"Well, if she says yes, then I expect you to be happy for him, just like you were when me and Remus started dating"
Remus looked at his watch and sighed.
"We should be in the library now" he reminded Sara.
"I know. But we need to wait for James to come back. He shouldn't be much longer, it doesn't take that long to ask someone out" replied Sara.

"Eugh, listen to you two. I can't believe you go on study dates together. That's so dorky. Especially on the last week of school, before the Christmas holidays" teased Sirius.
"Well, the teachers don't stop giving out homework, just because it's Christmas" reminded Sara.
"Yeah, but still. It's our last Christmas here, we should be enjoying it, not wasting precious time studying"
"We are enjoying it. That's why we're all staying here for Christmas isn't it? So we can all be together, for our last Christmas in Hogwarts".
Sirius would've replied, if James hadn't of stepped back into the room at that exact moment, with a huge smile on his face.
"She said yes" announced James excitedly.
"Well done Prongs. I knew she would want to go to the dance with you" replied Peter.
"Thanks Wormy. I'm just glad that's over, it was so nerve-wracking. But I just did it. I was straight with her, and just asked her out, and she said yes".

Sirius threw James a Butterbeer from their stash, which he caught in one hand, before sitting down in his favourite armchair.
"Congratulations mate" said Sirius, giving his friend the thumbs up.
"Yes, well done. Now all we've got to do is find Padfoot a date" added Sara.
After they quickly explained to James about Peter's date, he turned to face Sirius with a determined look on his face.
"She's right Padfoot. We need to find you a girl for this dance. I'm sure any girl in this school would want to go with you, so it's up to you. Who do you like the look of?" Asked James.
"Err, looks aren't everything" interjected Sara sternly.
"I know that. But if Padfoot doesn't want a proper girlfriend, then he'll just have to have a hot date. We've said it before, Sirius can get girls, he just can't keep them".

"Hey, that's not true. I could get a girlfriend if I wanted one" boasted Sirius.
"Oh yeah? Who are you going to ask out then?" Quizzed Sara.
"If I tell you, you'd better not laugh"
"Why would we laugh?"
"Because I don't normally admit to having a crush on people, since I prefer to be the one people have a crush on, so I don't want you all to take the mick".
"None of us are going to laugh mate, I promise" replied James.
"He's right. We will support you" agreed Remus.
"Right... Well, err... I kind of have a thing for Marlene" revealed Sirius.
Sara put her head in her hands, and groaned.
"Eugh. Why do all my friends want to date one another? First James and Lily, now Sirius and Marlene" she exclaimed.

"Well we can't help it, if all of your friends are the best looking, intelligent, funny girls in the year" shrugged James.
"So, what does Marlene think of me? Should I ask her to the dance next weekend?" Quizzed Sirius.
"Why am I everyone's dating gooroo?" Moaned Sara.
"Cos they're your best friends, so you know them better than we do" reminded James.
"Fair enough... I mean, I think Marlene has mentioned that you are hot in the past Sirius, and she thinks you're cool. But other than that, I don't just know" admitted Sara.
"That's good enough for me. I'll ask her out tonight" revealed Sirius.
"If that's what you want... Come on Remus, we've got work to do" sighed Sara, as she stood to her feet, taking Remus's hand with her, pulling him up from the sofa.
After saying their goodbyes, they then made their way down to the library, hand in hand.

This chapter is based on a fan film I watched called Mischief Managed, which is very good, and I reccomend watching it.
FYI- that is not the same fan film, as the one in the picture, that is from; Severus Snape and the Marauders, which has one of the best special effects in a fan film, I have ever seen.

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