27- Bad News

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With both sets of her friends on the same side, Sara's 6th year at Hogwarts, was better than all the rest.
There were many times when her room mates and the Marauders, were able to hang out together. Through their nightly Animagus activites, were still a secret from Sara's female friends.
But now that her and Lily were getting along, Sara was able to spend more time with Mary and Alice. Even though they had shared a room for several years, she hadn't been able to get to know them, as they always went off with Lily, while Sara went off with Marlene and Dorcas.
So having all her friends on the same page, was a great experience for all of them.
Sara was even able to give Alice some advice, on how to ask out the boy she had a crush on. It must have been recieved well, as Frank and Alice were now madly in love.

Since her mother no longer recognised her, she had no reason to return home for Christmas that year, so she spent it with Remus's family instead. She did the same thing at Easter, and she planned to spend her summer floating between Remus's home, and James's. But a letter arrived on her last day of school, that changed her plans.
She was sitting in the Common room, re-reading the letter, when the Marauders walked in from dinner.
"Shouldn't you be packing Smokey?" Questioned Sirius, as he lent over the back over the sofa, to face her.
"I was about to. Before I recieved this letter" she answered, handing the letter over to Remus, who had just sat down beside her.

"Who's it from?" Asked James, as he sat down on the armchair beside the sofa.
"The Ministry of Magic" revealed Sara.
"And what do they want?" Quizzed Sirius, as he rolled over the sofa to sit on her other side, as Peter plonked himself on the floor in front of them.
"Is it about you mum?" James questioned.
Sara nodded.
"They've set up a meeting, the day after tomorrow with the entire Wizengamot, to decide whether or not it is safe for my mother to remain where she is" she explained.
"And you think they'll decide to take her away?" Asked Peter.
"I don't know. The last court hearing we went to was years ago, when she first got stuck as a dragon. I don't really remember it. But the outcome, was that she could stay at home, as long as she could remember who she was... And at the moment, she doesn't" replied Sara.

"Well, isn't this meeting a good thing then? Wouldn't she be safer somewhere else?" Quizzed Peter.
"No! That is the outcome I've been trying to avoid, for all these years. I don't want my mum to get dragged away, halfway across the country, and then get locked up" snapped Sara.
Remus placed his arm around Sara's shoulders, and held her close.
"It won't be like that. You've told me about that place. You said it was a wide open space, where dragons are allowed to roam, without interference. She won't be locked up. She will be free" reminded Remus.
"That's not the point. They aren't going to be able to get her there, on her accord. Even if she could remember who she was, there's no way she would let them drag her away from her home. So they will have to use force" admitted Sara.

"They won't hurt her, I'm sure of it" said James positively.
"I don't think they care. They just see her as a problem that needs to be fixed. I don't think they care how they do it, as long as they get her there" replied Sara coldly.
"Well we still don't know if this is going to happen. They might just decide to leave her where she is, as it would be a lot of hassle for them to move her" Sirius admitted
"I hope you're right. But I don't want to give myself false hope" said Sara quietly.
"Well, you are not going to go through this alone. We will be there with you, at this court case" announced James.
"I can't ask you to do that" replied Sara.
"You don't have to ask. We will be by your side, no matter what. You're our friend. And we want to support you through this"
"Well, if you're sure"
"We are. Aren't we boys?".

The other Marauders all nodded, and Remus took hold of Sara's hand, squeezing it tight.
"Don't worry. We are going to be there with you. You don't have to go through this alone" comforted Remus.
"Thanks. I'm grateful for all your support... I guess I just can't help but think, that that's going to be me, one day. Getting forced out of my home, because the Ministry think I'm a threat to the Statute of Secrecy" sighed Sara.
"You aren't your mother. And as we've said before, you aren't going to ever forget who you are. You have far too many good memories to hold onto, to keep you human" reminded James.
"And even if you did forget us, I'd never let the Ministry take you away. I'd take them all on, singlehandedly, if that's what it took" revealed Sirius.
Sara chuckled.
"You against all the Ministry. That'd be a laugh".

"I don't know what's so funny. I'm like the best at magic in our year, I know I could take them on. Besides, Prongs would have my back, right mate?" Quizzed Sirius.
James smiled.
"Of course, I would. We'd all be there. Fighting for your freedom... But lets not get carried away, lets focus on this court hearing first. You're mother is the one that matters here" reminded James.
"Wow. When did you get so philophiscal?" Asked Sara.
"I think you'll find I've grown up over the years" replied James.
"Na, he just wants to be head boy next year, and get the attention of a certain Miss Evans" teased Sirius.
James threw a pillow at Sirius, who blocked it with his arm, making Sara laugh.
"O.K. Maybe not as mature as I first thought" she mocked.

"Hey, I am very mature. And don't forget that now we're 17, we can all use magic when we return home this summer. So I have a feeling that it is going to be a very exciting one indeed" announced James.
"Oh yeah, I had almost forgotten that- Promise me that you and Sirius will behave yourselves, when I'm not with you. I don't want to recieve any more owls saying that you've been rushed to St Mungo's" warned Sara.
Sirius dramatically placed one hand on his heart, and the other to his forehead in a saluting position.
"On my honor as a Marauder, I swear to you, that you will not hear about any wrong-doings, that me and Prongs may or may not be planning this summer" he mocked.
"You are impossible... Just promise that when you turn up to court, you don't look like a mess. And that goes for all of you" Sara reminded, looking around the room, locking eyes with each of the boys in turn.

"You worry too much. I'll make sure that they all look their best" promised James.
"Good" replied Sara.
"I'll even let them wear one of my suits, so that they make a good impression" added James.
"Hey, we aren't the ones on trial. Why do we have to dress up all fancy?" Protested Sirius.
"Because we are there as Sara's guests, to support her. We don't want to rock up looking all messy, as that will not help her case. First impressions are everything" Remus answered.
"Fine, fine. I'll wear a poxy suit" sighed Sirius.
"Good. Well, I'm going to go and finish packing. I'll see you all bright an early tomorrow, when the train leaves" announced Sara, as she stood up, kissing Remus's lips, before heading off towards her dormitory.

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