11- Shared Sorrow

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As Remus was beginning to lose quite a lot of blood, the pair decided, that they would have to take the fastest route, to the hospital wing. Which involved walking straight through the front door.
They were doing so well, until they reached the floor where the hospital wing was, and were stopped by a certain cat. And the cat was not alone.
Argus Filch sneered at Remus and Sara, as he rubbed his grubby hands together.
"Oo, looks like I've caught two trouble makers, sneaking around the school at night. What will the Headmaster think of this?" He questioned, excitedly.
Filch, the Squib, didn't frighten Sara. He was often on the receiving end, of several of the Marauders pranks, afterall.
But without Sirius and James, Sara and Remus didn't feel quite as brave.

"My friend has hurt himself. We were on the way to the hospital wing" Sara explained.
"A likely story" mocked Filch.
"Look! Look at his arm. If we don't get him help soon, he is going to bleed out"
"Then there will be one less trouble making student, to worry about around here"
"You are so twisted. Get out of my way!"
"Not a chance. You two are coming with me"
"Out of my way Filch, before I hex you!"
"You little-".
"Thank you Filch. I'll take it from here" interupted Madam Pomfrey.
Sara leaned around Filch, and saw Madam Pomfrey walking towards them. The matron quickly assessed the situation, and jumped to Sara's defence.
"These children are here to see me, Filch. So I suggest that you get out of the way" she continued.
"But- I- They-" stuttered Filch.
"They are here seaking medical assisstance, so are now under my care. I suggest that you get back to, whatever it is you do".

Filch looked ready to argue, but the stern stare, that Madam Pomfrey was now giving him, made him change his mind.
"Come on Mrs Norris" he muttered.
Mrs Norris hissed at Sara, before obediantly, following her master, away from the group.
Once the pair had gone, Madam Pomfrey began to inspect Remus's arm.
"How did this happen?" She questioned.
Sara looked at Remus for confirmation, and he nodded, telling Sara that the healer knew he was a werewolf.
"I did it. I didn't mean to. But, we saw each other in the woods. And got into a small fight" Sara revealed.
Madam Pomfrey raised an eyebrow, and sighed.
"Very well. You may accompany us, Miss Burne, while I treat Mr Lupin".
"Thank you".

"Who else knows about you?" Quizzed Sara, as they made their way into the hospital wing.
"Most of the teachers, I think. Definately Professor Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey. And possibly the Heads of the houses" replied Remus.
"Same as me then"
"I guess so"
"Though I expect more people know about me. Since Dumbledore had to get permission from the Ministry of Magic, to teach me. So my secret is out in the open... Unlike yours".
Remus sat on one of the hospital beds, while Madam Pomfrey found the right potion, that she was going to treat him with.
Once she had found it, she applied a few drops onto Remus's arm, before picking up her wand, and beginning to close the wound.
"It's a good thing that I was on my way to find you Mr Lupin" admitted Madam Pomfrey.

Sara frowned, and turned to Remus, expecting an answer.
"Madam Pomfrey escourts me to the Shrieking Shack, every full moon, so that I can transform safely, without hurting anybody. And then she comes to get me, in the morning. To heal any wounds I might have got during the night" he explained.
"How do you get to the Shrieking Shack, isn't that in Hogsmeade?" Quizzed Sara.
"Well... You know the Whomping Willow, that was placed on the school grounds, before we started school? It covers a secret passageway, that leads into the Shrieking Shack" revealed Remus.
"Really? But how do you get near it, without being clobbered to death?"
"There is a part of the tree trunk that you touch, which immobalises the whole tree, so that you can access the tunnel safely"
"That's clever"
"Yeah, it is... It's just embarassing, that Dumbledore went through so much trouble, just to get me to Hogwarts"
"I think it's nice. It shows how much he truelly cares, about his students".

"Right. I think that has done it. It might leave a scar for a few days. But that should fade eventually" announced Madam Pomfrey.
Sara sighed loudly, in relief.
"Thank Merlin. I was so worried that I'd scarred you for life... I've never hurt anyone before" she admitted.
Remus grabbed hold of Sara's hand, with his good arm, and squeezed it reassuringly.
"You weren't to know. If a werewolf attacks you in the forest, you have every reason to lash out" he replied.
Madam Pomfrey frowned.
"Maybe we should find a way to confine you to the Shrieking Shack, by using protective spells. To stop you getting out, and hurting other things that live in the forest" she suggested.

"It would probably be a good idea" said Remus sadly.
"I could put them up, before I leave you there. To ensure that you stay put" replied Madam Pomfrey.
"I can show you how to do the spells yourself as well. So that you don't need me to take them down each morning, to let you out"
Sara folded her arms and frowned.
"It's not fair. You are treating Remus like he's a prisoner".
"It's the only way to keep him, and everyone else safe Miss Burne. Including yourself" said Madam Pomfrey, softly.
"It's O.K Sara. I know it's for the best" reassured Remus.
"Well, if you are sure..."
"I am".

"Good. I will speak to the Headmaster about it, later today... Oh, what were you doing in the forest tonight, anyway, Miss Burne?" Questioned the Matron curiously.
"I woke up in pain, and I had to transform" Sara answered quietly.
"How did you get to the forest?"
"I jumped out of my window, and transfomed in mid-air, before flying towards the trees"
"I see... I might not know as much about being a Maledictus, as I do about werewolves. But I will do my best to look after the both of you, while you are here at Hogwarts"
"Thank you"
"You're welcome... Now, you had better get back to your rooms, and catch up on some sleep. I'll escourt you back to the Gryffindor tower, to make sure that no one stops you on the way".

Remus slid of the bed, and flexed out his bad arm, wincing slightly.
"Does it hurt?" Questioned Sara, her face full of concern and worry.
"Not really. I'm used to bumps and bruises, it comes with the territory... I'm just glad to have someone, who can sort of understand what I'm going through, by my side" replied Remus.
"Me too... Are you sure you don't want the others to know? Because I don't think we can keep it from them, forever"
"I'm sure. I'd rather no one else found out... For now"
"Same... So, I guess this is our little secret, for now"
"Yeah, I guess so"
"I'm glad you know the truth about me"
"So am I. I'm glad that you know my secret as well... I'm lucky to have you Sara"
"You too Remus. You too".

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