30- Showing An Interest

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Over the next few weeks, Lily would bring James up in conversation, many times, but she would still try to convince her friends, that she had no interest in him.
"I was just saying, that it's nice that he doesn't do that thing with his hair any more. You know, when he used to mess up his hair, to look like he just got off a broom. That used to annoy me. So I'm glad that he doesn't do it anymore" admitted Lily, to the rest of the girls in the dormitory one night.
"Right. Keep trying to tell yourself that. But we all know you've got a massive crush on him. You can't resist those beautiful eyes, and georgeous hair. You just can't wait for him to ask you out again, and this time you will so say yes" teased Mary.
"No I won't. I mean, me and him would never work. We are too different"
"Well they do say opposites attract".

"You have a lot more in common with James, than you think" announced Sara.
"Like what?" Asked Lily.
"Well, you are both Head boy and girl. You are both really popular, and good at spells. You're both in Gryffindor, and you are both best friends with me"
"Very funny... He is good at magic, isn't he"
"Yes. He's definately the best in Gryffindor, maybe even the whole year"
"And he has been taking his Head boy duties very seriously. I think Remus must have had a good impact on him"
"Hey, I am a good influence on him as well. I'm the one who is always on at the boys to do their homework, and revise"
"And now that our NEWTs are coming up, I am going to be very strict on them about studying".

"Eugh. Don't talk to me about NEWTs. That's all the teachers keep going on about. You'd think we were doing them tomorrow, the way they keep talking about them" moaned Dorcas.
"Well they are our most important exams ever" reminded Sara.
"Yeah, but we aren't taking them until the end of the year. We've got months before then
"Still, it's never too early to start revising"
"Swot. You should've been in Ravenclaw"
"Ha ha".
"Sara's right, these exams are important. We won't be able to get good jobs, if we don't get good enough grades" admitted Lily.
"Are you still thinking about being a Healer then?" Asked Marlene.
"I was thinking about it. I still haven't made up my mind yet"
"Well you need top grades for that"
"Yes, I know".

"Me and Frank have decided that we are both going to try and be Aurors. I don't know if I'll get in, as I know you have to take a lot of tests after school. But I'm going to try" revealed Alice.
"Wow. I never took you as a dark wizard catcher" replied Sara.
"Well, in this current climate, there is no better job. They save lives, and take down Death Eaters. They're like hero's. I'm surprised you don't want to be one Sara".
Sara frowned and bit her lip.
"You have thought of being one" gasped Dorcas.
"I've thought about it. But I know you have to do extra studying when you leave here, and if I haven't got many years left as a human, then I don't want to waste any of them, doing more tests. Besides, I'm not sure they would want someone like me, on their team anyway" admitted Sara.

Lily squeezed Sara's hand, and flashed her a reassuring smile.
"I think that in that particular field, your condition, might actually give you an advantage. Being able to turn into a dragon, would certainly give you an edge, over the Death Eaters" said Lily positively.
"I don't know. If I did join them, and reveal my secret, then everyone would know about me, including the Death Eaters. And I will do anything I can, to stop them finding out" replied Sara.
"Why?" Quizzed Dorcas.
"Because if they know the truth, they might try and recruit her. Having a dragon on their side, would certainly help their cause" answered Marlene.
Sara nodded her head.
"Which is why I don't want them to find out. And why I don't want anyone else to learn my secret... We don't know who in the Ministry we can trust. We don't know who is secretly working for You-Know-Who. We don't know who is a friend, and who is a foe... So I can't risk telling anyone else, in case they are in cahoots with him".

"I've been thinking a lot about that at the moment... I've been wondering if any people in our year, will join the Death Eaters. I can't be nìave enough to think that none of the Slytherins in our year, will join them" admitted Marlene.
"Don't say that" begged Mary.
"Don't tell me you haven't been thinking the same thing. We're not kids anymore, and eventually we will all have to pick a side-"
"I just can't think about that. People we went to school with, facing us on some battlefield. It's just wrong. I hate it. I hate this war".
"None of us are happy with the situation either" reminded Dorcas.
"I know. I just wish that I didn't have to fight in this stupid war. I wish that the wizarding world would just find peace somehow" sighed Mary.

"No one will force you to fight Mary. When we leave here, we will all make up our own minds, and decide how involved we want to get, in this war" admitted Alice.
"James is going to join the Order of the Phoenix" Sara blurted out.
"The secret anti You-Know-Who group?" Questioned Dorcas.
"Yes. He's going to join as soon as leave school" revealed Sara.
"Well, Potter is certainly brave" muttered Lily.
"I am going to join as well" admitted Sara.
"You are?" Gasped Mary.
"Yes. Maybe not straight away. But I think all 5 of us will join, at some point. James always says we are strong, as long as we are together. Sirius even believes that no Death Eater will be able to stop us, if we are all together" answered Sara.

"I was thinking of joining as well" revealed Marlene.
"You were?" Quizzed Mary.
"Yes. If I do get my job at the Ministry, then I think I will be of some use to the Order"
"But it will be very dangerous"
"It will be dangerous, even if I'm not in the Order, as I don't plan on keeping my opinions about You-Know-Who, to myself".
"Frank mentioned joining as well. And I said I would do the same" admitted Alice.
"Don't do it just to please him" warned Sara.
"No, I want to join, for me. It is the right thing to do. Besides, if I have children someday, I don't want them growing up in a world like this. I want them to be safe, and happy. So I am willing to take the risks, and fight for their future".

"Alice is right. We can't just expect the world to change by itself. We have to help make those changes ourselves" preached Lily.
"I'm with you on that one. So if the Order is going to fight these bad guys, then I am going to join them" replied Dorcas.
Mary shuffled uncomfortably, and Sara realised that she was the only one who hadn't show any interest in joining the Order of the Phoenix. Not wanting her friend to feel awkward, or be pressured into doing anything she wasn't comfortable doing, Sara decided to change the subject.

She looked at her watch, and yawned loudly.
"Well, it's been great having this deep and meaningful chat with you all, but I'm going to bed now. It's been a long day, and I've got a Potions test first thing tomorrow, so I need to get a good night's sleep" yawned Sara.
"You're right. We can talk more tomorrow. Good night guys" agreed Lily.
The room was filled with several people mumbling their goodnights, as they all climbed into bed, and extinguished the lights from their candles.

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