17- Something More

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The Marauders were all sat around the fire, in the Gryffindor common room, warming their bodies, away from the cold winds outside.
But Remus and Sara were the only ones making use, of the time. Books and parchment littered the floor around them, as they studied.
"Don't you ever stop reading?" Questioned Sirius, turning his nose up at all the work Sara had done.
"Yeah, well some of us actually want to pass our OWLS, Black" replied Sara, not even bothering to look up from her book.
"I've done alright so far, without needing to study"
"If you're happy with A's, then that's fine. But personally, I'd much rather get E's and O's".

"Don't bother arguing with her, Padfoot. You know she's still pissed, that she wasn't chosen as a prefect" interupted James.
"I'm not! I couldn't care less, that they chose Lily. She is a much better student than me. Because I spent too much time in detention, with you 4" Sara replied.
"So does Moony, and he's still a prefect" commented Peter.
"Yes. But I think Professor Dumbledore hopes that I will be a positive influence, on the rest of you... And I didn't have as tricky opponents, as Sara did" admitted Remus, defending Sara.
"Who cares? I wouldn't want to be a stupid prefect anyway... Not that I'm not proud of you Moony" James said quickly.
"Don't worry James, I'm not offended... I don't think you'd make a very good prefect either".
"Look, can we just drop the prefect talk? I'm trying to study" snapped Sara.

Sirius opened his mouth to reply, but James put a hand on Sirius's chest, shaking his head. Warning Sirius not to push Sara, too far.
"Why are you so stressed about exams anyway? They aren't until next June, and it's only November" said James quietly.
"It's never too early to start studying... Besides, if I spent half my time in detention, or sneaking around the grounds, with you guys. There isn't much time left for revising, so I'd better do it, while I have the chance" replied Sara.
"I guess that's true... I'm just checking that you aren't going to turn down, adventuring with us, to do school work"
"Never. I'm a Marauder, through and through. Having fun with you idiots, will always come first".
"Well, that's good. For a moment I thought you'd gone soft" admitted Sirius.
"Sorry to dissappoint you Padfoot" Sara replied.

The three of them chuckled, and Sara looked over at Remus, who hadn't laughed, and she noticed that he looked slightly uncomfortable.
"Are you alright?" Sara asked.
"Yes-Er I just realised that there's a book I need in the library. Will you come with me to go and get it Sara?" Questioned Remus, nervously.
"Sure. It's a bit late. But I guess the library will still be open" said Sara, as she stood up.
"Don't be too long" instructed James.
Sara rolled her eyes.
"Whatever you say boss".
Remus jumped to his feet, and led the way out of the room, with Sara close behind him.
Once they were far enough away from the common room, Remus suddenly pushed Sara into an empty classroom, shutting the door quickly behind them.
"Remus, what's going on?" Questioned Sara, suspiciously.

Remus took a deep breath and sighed.
"I didn't really want to go to library. I just wanted an excuse to talk to you. Alone" he admitted.
"Oh, O.K. What's the problem?" Sara asked, leaning against the closest desk.
"There's no problem, as such... Right... Just hear me out, O.K?... Look, if you don't want to, then that's fine, just say. But I would really like it, if you would go out with me" he stuttered.
"Remus. Are you asking me out on a date?"
"Yes. Yes I am... I've liked you for ages, but never had the courage- I mean, I've always felt there was something more, between us. Something more than just friendship... But if you don't want-"
"Remus stop blubbering. I would love to go out with you"
"Really, you would?"
"Yes. I would".

"But what about the others? How do you feel about them? Do you like me the same as them, or more?" Asked Remus nervously.
"I don't have favourites amongst our friends Remus... But I have to admit, I have felt strong feelings for you, for a while now" revealed Sara.
"So, you never wanted to date the others; James or Sirius?"
"Err, no. I could never date Sirius. He may be kinda hot, but he annoys me, far too much. He's like the annoying younger brother, that I never wanted, but ended up with anyway. The same goes for James... I've never really thought about either of them, in a romantic way"
"Really?... What about me? Have you ever thought about me, romantically?"
"Yes. I've already answered that"
"Sorry... My mind's a mess right now"
"That's O.K. I don't mind... I like your awkward British charm. It's quite sexy".
Remus laughed, and Sara grinned.

"I never thought I would ever fall in love" admitted Sara.
"Me neither. I never wanted to, really. Because of my curse"
"Same... After my father left my mother, when he found out what she was. I've never wanted to make the same mistake as her"
"I promise, that I will never hurt you like that... But, I can't promise on behalf of my Moony side, since I can't control that part of my life"
"Neither can I... Remus, you know that one day I will be stuck as a dragon, forever, just like my mother... And I don't want to hurt you, when that happens"
"We have a long time before that. So lets just enjoy every moment, from now, and until then"
"I know it's selfish of me. But I like that idea... Just, try not to get too upset, when I forget who you are one day"
"Noted. I will be happy with the little time we'll have together... Besides, no couple knows how long they have together, so they make every day count, just the same we will".

"Oh, and by the way. I'm never having kids Remus. Just so you know. I'm not going to risk passing my curse onto another innocent girl" Sara revealed.
"I feel the same way. I don't want to have children, in case they turn out like me... I'd never forgive myself if that happened" admitted Remus.
Sara stepped forward and held Remus's hand.
"It's kind of like we were made for each other. Which is a strange concept"
"No it's not. I feel exactly the same way"
"Alright, don't get too mushy on me, lover boy... We should probably start getting back to the others, or they'll start to wonder where we've gone"
"Do you want them to know, about us?"
"Not particually, but I know they would find the truth out, somehow. So we might as well just tell them ourselves"
"I agree".

"Although, it's hard to tell people that we're dating, when we haven't even been on an official date, together" Sara admitted.
"This was it, our first date, as a couple" replied Remus, gesturing to the room.
"Very romantic. A few minutes talking in an unused classroom. Every girl's dream".
Remus looked crestfallen, so Sara took a step towards him, and placed her hands around his face.
"But I'm not every girl" she whispered.
Without communicating with each other, they both leaned forward, at the same time, and kissed each other, on the lips.
Sara took a step back and grinned.
"Come on Romeo. We don't want our prefect, caught in a classroom, out of hours" she teased.
"I wouldn't mind getting caught, as long as I'm with you" Remus admitted.
"Thanks. That was cheesy. Nice, but cheesy".
Remus shook his head, smiling, and placed his arm around Sara's shoulders.
"Come on, lets go Smokey"
"Lead the way Moony".

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