14- Map Builders

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"I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to be in here" said James, a week later, as Sara entered the boys dormatory.
Sara shrugged and sat down, on the edge of James's bed, with a grin on her face.
"What are you gonna do about it Potter?" She quizzed.
"I feel like this is unfair. The girls can come into our bedrooms, but we can't go into theirs. What if I'd been getting changed?" Sirius questioned.
"Then I would have been scarred for life... Anyway, it would be innappropriate, for a boy to go into a girls bedroom, and the Hogwarts founders, clearly thought the same... Nice pajamas by the way Black" replied Sara.
Sirius folded his arms and went to stand by James.
"Can't this wait until tomorrow?" Asked James.
"No. I need to talk to you now... Besides, Frank is asleep, so no one has to know, that I was ever in here"
"What is the problem then?".

"There's no problem, as such... My mum's been found" revealed Sara.
The boy's frowns immediately turned upside down, and they all hugged Sara, one at a time.
"That's great news" replied Remus cheerfully.
"Yeah. Tabitha sent me an owl, as soon as she found her. Which means that mother came back in time, for the Ministry visit, tomorrow".
"Did she say where she's been all this time?" James questioned.
Sara bit her tongue and shook her head.
"No... She can't really communicate, all that well. I'm the only one who can really understand her. And I'm all the way over here" she replied.
James patted Sara's back and smiled.
"At least she's back safe and sound though".
"Yeah. That's one less problem to worry about now" admitted Sara.

"Now that that's sorted, we can get back to some real marauding stuff. I was thinking of exploring the school, tomorrow night. What do you think?" Sirius asked.
Sara's head snapped to look at Remus. Her calander informed her, of the moon's cycle, and she knew that it was a full moon, the very next day.
"Err, well... I have to go home tomorrow afternoon, to visit my mother, who is sick at the moment" said Remus quietly.
"Again? She's often sick, isn't she, your mum?"
"Well... She is very weak... So she catches things easier than most people... I won't be gone long though"
"I guess we'll just have to do it another day".
Sara decided to take the conversation away, from Remus's poor aliby, for the full moon, and come up with another excuse.
"That's probably for the best, Sirius. It would be good if we could go a few weeks, into the new school year, without getting into trouble" admitted Sara.
"I wasn't planning on getting caught" replied Sirius, grinning.

"Speaking of getting into trouble. I found another secret passage earlier" revealed James.
"You kept that one quiet" replied Sirius.
"I forgot about it. It's an internal one, so it just leads to another part of the school, instead of outside. So it's not all that usefull".
"Cool. That must be about 7, that we've found now. You should write them all down one day" suggested Sara.
"Yeah, like in a map form. That'd be kinda cool" agreed James.
"Talking about maps, the fact that they don't give first years a map, is rather funny though. It's like, here's a giant castle, with moving staircases, good luck finding your way around" mocked Sara.
"A map that showed us where Filch and Mrs Norris were in the castle, would be more usefull. Than a list of passageways, that we already know exist" admitted Sirius.
"Yeah, knowing where Filch is lurking would be useful. And all the teachers, ghosts... and Peeves. If we knew where they were, all the time, we would never get into trouble for being somewhere that we shouldn't be" replied Sara.

A strange silence filled the room, as everyone's brains went into overdrive. After a few minutes of not moving, everyone turned to face Remus. The smartest one in the group.
"What?" Questioned Remus.
"Is it possible? Could we make a map like that, that shows us were everyone in the castle is?" James asked.
Remus frowned.
"I'm not sure. If it were possible, I don't see why no one else has made one before".
"Well, no one has ever wanted to get into trouble, as much as us, before"
"I guess that's true... There are charms that reveal if there are other people in a room with you. So in theory, you could do something similar, on a map of Hogwarts... It wouldn't be easy though"
"We don't need easy, we just need possible".

"But could we really do it? Make this map, all on our own?" Sara asked.
"Are you doubting our abilities?" Questioned Sirius.
"Yes. In case you hadn't noticed, we are only second years. We don't know that much magic yet"
"We are the cleverest students in our year. I'm sure we can work out how to do it".
"She has a point Sirius. It won't be easy... But I believe, that if we start now, and try our best, we will succeed. Even if it takes several years. I'm sure we'll get there, in the end" exclaimed James.
"Well, I guess that's decided then. We shall make our very own, Marauders Map. Complete with secret tunnels, and every single persons location, including that evil cat, Mrs Norris" replied Sara.
"I like this idea... And we could even lock it, so that no one else could read it, but us" Peter suggested, finally feeling brave enough, to give his own input.
"Good idea Peter. Like if anyone looked at it, it would just be a blank piece of parchment. But if we pointed our wands at it, and said a code word, of some sort, it would open" finshed James.

"I think we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves guys. We haven't even made the thing yet" said Remus calmly.
"Always the sensible one, Remus" James replied.
"Well, someone has to be. I'd also like to remind you, that we have got classes, first thing tomorrow, so should probably get some sleep"
"Oh, do you always have to be so serious?".
"I thought I was Sirius?" Interjected Sirius.
Sara threw a pillow at him, and rolled her eyes.
"That was a terrible joke Black".
"Maybe it's not my best. But at least I can throw, Burne" replied Sirius, picking the pillow up off the floor.
"Oh, you are so gonna get it!"
"Bring it"
"Don't worry, I will".

"Shhh. Do you want to wake up the whole tower?" Warned Remus.
"She started it" said Sirius, pointing at Sara.
"Eugh, I give up" replied Remus, sighing.
Sara giggled as she stood up, and hugged Remus goodbye.
"I'm going to go now Remus. If that will stop you worrying".
"See you tomorrow Burne" replied Sirius.
"Yep, see you losers tomorrow. Try not to have too much fun, without me, in the meantime though"
"As if we'd do a thing like that".
Sara rolled her eyes, and made her way back to her own dormatory.

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