8- School Secrets

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By the end of the first month at school, Sara and the rest of the boys had already found 2 secret passages, and been in detention several times, each. Earning them their nickname, The Marauders.
Sara was one of the best, at finding the secret passageways, as she was always looking for a way out. And she found the next to find one, all on her own.
She had been on her way to the Great Hall, for dinner, when she suddenly felt the need to transform. Panic began to take hold, as she was terrified of turning into a dragon, in the middle of school.
She had placed her hand on one of the mirrors on the 4th floor, to catch her breath, and think of a plan. When she heard a creak, and watched part of the wall slide to the side, revealing a secret passage.
Sara had stepped inside, closed the brick wall, and transformed a second later. Not wanting to explore it on her own, Sara had a quick look around, before changing back into a human, and heading out, to find the others.

She almost sprinted towards the Great Hall, but she manged to contain her excitement, until she reached her friends.
Sara sat down inbetween Remus and Peter, and began pilling food onto her plate.
Leaning forwards over the table, she motioned for James and Sirius, who were sitting opposite her, to do the same.
"What is it?" Sirius asked curiously, as he stuffed a potato into his mouth.
"I think I've found another secret passagway" she whispered.
This made the others around her perk up.
"Where is it?" Questioned James.
"It's behind a mirror on the 4th floor"
"Did you go inside?"
"Not for long. I had a quick look around, but I came to tell you as soon as I could"
"Cool. You are so good at finding these places... We'll all take a look once we've finished eating".

"Don't forget that Dumbledore said he had an announcement to make, once everyone had finshed eating" reminded Remus.
James and Sirius leaned back, and sighed at the same time.
Sara frowned and turned to face Remus.
"Did he say what it was about?" She asked.
Remus shook his head.
"No. He said that he would explain more, once we'd all eaten"
"Oh, O.K".
"Anything happen since I saw you last?" Quizzed Sara, through a mouthful of chicken.
"Other than James tripping Snivelus up in the corridor. Nothing much" Sirius answered.
"Ah... Did he fall onto his face?"
"You bet. And all the books he was carrying, fell all over the floor. It was very entertaining".
"Yeah. But Evans saw the whole thing. And she didn't look very impressed" said James sadly.
"Well, I expect that's what happens, when you make a fool of someone's best friend" replied Sara gently.

"Who cares what Evans thought? It was funny" said Sirius, punching James playfully on the shoulder.
"Right Peter?" He quizzed.
Peter nodded excitedly. "Yes. It was a spectacular fall. The best one yet".
Sara rolled her eyes at Peter's enthusiasum, and stabbed several carrot pieces with her fork.
"Did you finish your Transfiguration homework?" Remus asked, as he pushed his empty plate away, and grabbed a bowl of jelly.
Sara shook her head, and downed her drink of pumpkin juice.
"No, not yet. Are we still going to do it together, later tonight?" She asked.
"Yeah, I was just checking that you hadn't started it already, without me"
"I haven't even looked at it yet, to be honest"
"Ha, O.K".

"Swots" mumbled Sirius.
Sara frowned, and kicked Sirus in the leg.
"Ow! I'm only saying, that it's not due until the end of the week, right? And you're already doing it".
"Well, not all of us like leaving our homework, until the last minute" snapped Sara.
"Scared of getting detention?"
"No! I get enough of those, when I'm caught doing mischief with you four. So the last thing I want to do, is get more detentions, for not doing my homework"
"You little-"
"Cut it out you two. It looks like Dumbledore is going to speak" interupted James.

Sara glared at Sirius, before looking over at the teachers table, where Dumbledore had just stood up.
"Good Evening students. I'm sure you all have plans for tonight. So I won't keep you very long.
As I'm sure you are aware, over the summer we had a Womping Willow plant, placed on the school grounds. And it has come to my attention, that several students, have been playing games with it, by seeing who can get the closest.
Now, I'm sure this is an amusing game. But I would like to put a stop to it, from now on. This tree may be small, at present. But it is still very powerful, and can do serious damage to a student.
So, I am warning you all to stay away from it, for your own safety.
Well, that is all have to say. So, I wish you all a good night" announced Dumbledore.
The hall erupted into groans and whispers, as Dumbledore sat down.

"Hmm. I wonder if someone got badly injured. Which is why Dumbledore is telling us all to stay away?" Theorised Sara.
Remus didn't say anything, instead he just pushed away his half-eaten bowl of jelly.
"I thought the tree had been there forever. I didn't know it was new" mumbled Peter.
James shook his head.
"No, I spoke to some older kids. And it was only put it, before the start of the year. Once it's fully grown, it will be huge".
"I wonder why Dumbledore decided to plant a killer tree, on the school grounds, this year?" Questioned Sara.
"Same... But lets not worry about that now. We've got a hidden passage to find remember?"
"Yeah, lets go".
"But I haven't finished my pudding" complained Peter.
The rest of the Marauders got up from their seats, and headed for the door.
"Stay here if you want to Peter" offered James.
Peter shook his head, and jumped off the bench.
"No. I'll come".

Once the Marauders had reached the 4th floor corridor, Sara led the way to the mirror, and opened the passageway.
"Wow" gasped Peter.
"Well, don't just stare at it. Go on in" ushered James.
Once they were all inside, Sara slid the door back in place, shutting them in.
Before they had a chance to panic, at being in the dark, the lanterns on the wall suddenly turned on, lighting up the room.
"Now that is cool. Motion sensing flames. It's a nice little room as well" exclaimed Sirius.
"Yeah, but it's a bit empty. It could do with some furniture, or something" admitted James.
"Is it not fancy enough for Lord Potter?" Teased Sara.
James elbowed her in the ribs.
"Ha ha" he mocked.

"Hey, guys. I think I've found a trapdoor" Remus announced, bending down to the ground.
The others all crowded around Remus, and stared at the floor.
Remus pulled up the handle, that was attached to the floor, revealing a hidden passageway.
"Where do you think it leads?" Peter asked nervously.
"There's only one way to find out" replied James, removing his wand excitedly.
"It's dark down there. We won't be able to see anything" Sara pointed out.
James smiled and waved his wand.
"Lumos" he whispered.

A bright light exploded from James's wand, causing the others to all gasp.
"We haven't learned that spell yet. How did you know how to do it?" Quizzed Sara.
"My parents taught me how to do a few spells with their wands, before I came here. So that I was prepared... Now, lets explore"
"After you, light man".
James rolled his eyes, as he lowered himself down into the hole.
"Are you guys coming?" He questioned, looking back at the others, once he was securely in the tunnel.
"You just try and stop us" dared Sirius, as he started to follow James down, into the ground.
"Why do I feel like this is a bad idea?" Muttered Remus sighing.
"Lighten up Remus. It's going to be fun" replied Sara.
Sara winked at Remus, before jumping down into the hole, after the others.

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