6- Friendship

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By the end of the first week, Sara had already become close friends with Remus, James, and Sirius.
Peter Pettigrew, the plump boy from the train, had also joined their friendship group.
But Sara suspected, that he was only there to applaud James, when he did something clever. Because he didn't seem to be good at amything else.
Unfortunately, Sara's friendship with James and Sirius, made Lily particulaly cold towards her. For Lily openly despised Potter and Black, and hated that Sara was close to them.
Sara wasn't too bothered by Lily's attitude, as she expected her to grow out of it eventually. Besides, Sara wasn't exactly thrilled by Lily's choice of friends either.
The fact that Lily was best friends with a boy in Slytherin, was often talked about by the rest of the Gryffindor's. Who saw it as a betrayal by Lily, as she was fratenizing with the enemy.

Lily's friendship with Snape, just made James hate him even more.
Even though it had only been a week, the two boys couldn't seem to go one day, without insulting each other.
Sometimes Sara joined in with the Snape bashing, like Sirius did. And other times she just sat with Remus, and listened from the sidelines.
Snape didn't exactly help himself, by actively seeking out James, and goading him into a confrontation. Since James had been raised by two, very wealthy parents, and treated like a prince his entire life. He had a sort of arrogance about him, that even Sara couldn't deny.
But that didn't stop her from admiring him, more than anyone else.
Snape and Lily seemed to be the only people in the school, immune to James's charms. And Sirius's comment about being the most popular people in school, soon came true.

When Sara was preparing to leave and go home, to visit her mother, she almost didn't want to go. Although she loved her mother very much, she'd had a very happy week, like something out of a dream.
And she didn't want to return home, and be reminded of her reality.
When she was at Hogwarts, with her friends, she enjoyed herself, and at times, even forgot about her curse. She hadn't felt the need to transform, all week, and she liked it.
"I still don't see why you have to go" complained Dorcas, as she sat down onto Sara's bed.
"Because my mother is sick. Dumbledore has said that I can go home to visit her, every week" Sara explained.
"Will you be gone long?" Marlene asked.
Sara shook her head.
"I shouldn't think so. I'll only be gone for a few hours, max. Especially since we have class, first thing tomorrow morning".

"So, are you always going to leave on Sunday? Like every week, for all the years we're here at school?" Quizzed Dorcas.
"I'm not sure Doe. If me and my mum get used to being apart, and it doesn't make her sicker. Then I might only need to visit every month or so" answered Sara.
"If she's so sick, then why isn't she in St Mungo's?"
"Because I don't want her in there. There is no cure for her condition, and I know that once she's in there, she will never be let out"
"Oh Sara. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you".
Marlene came over, from her own bed and sat next to Sara, placing her arm around her shoulders.
"Is she never going to get better?" She asked quietly.
Sara sniffed and shook her head.
"No. She's only going to get worse".
"I'm sorry. It can't be easy having a sick mum" Marlene replied, sympathetically.

"No, it's not... And normally I can deal with it fine... But I'm just worried that the same thing will happen to me" admitted Sara.
"Is it hereditery then?" Marlene questioned.
"Kind of, yeah"
"Oh Sara, why didn't you tell us?"
"It's kind of a private thing, I didn't want the whole world knowing"
"Well we won't tell anyone"
"Not even the other girls?"
"Not if you don't want them to know"
"Thanks Marlene... I'd better get going, I don't want to be late".
"Your mum sounds like a great person though, and she must be pretty cool, to let you have a tattoo. I think mine would kill me, if I got one" said Dorcas, getting off of Sara's bed.
"Tattoo?" Quizzed Sara, frowing.
"Yeah. The dragon tattoo, you've got on you back".
Sara's face fell, and her hand instinctively went to her lower back.
What was there, was no tattoo.
It was a mark, that she had been born with. Reminding the whole world of what she was.
A Maledictus.

Sara smiled forcefully.
"Yeah. It was her idea actually. The dragon's kind of our thing. Our surname being Burne, and all".
"Makes sense. Has she got one too?" Asked Dorcas.
"Yeah. She got it when she was young, as well. It's like a family tradition"
"That's kind of cool. It's just a shame it's somewhere, you can't actually see it"
"Yeah. But that's where it's supposed to be... If you guys could keep that a secret as well, I'd appriciate it. I don't want the whole school asking to see it. It's not exactly in a place that anyone would see, unless I'm not fully clothed"
"I guess not. I only saw it, cos we share a bedroom. Don't worry though, I won't tell anyone. I promise".
"Hadn't you better get going Sara, McGonagall will be waiting?" Reminded Marlene.
"Yes, I had... I'll see you guys when I get back. Dom't have too much fun without me" replied Sara.
"Wouldn't dream of it".

Sara rushed off, and met Professor McGonagall outside the Great Hall, making it in the knick of time. The two then walked off the school grounds, and towards Hogsmeade.
"I can't guarantee that it will always be me taking you. If I'm busy, it will be another member of staff. I hope you understand that" informed McGonagall.
"Yes Professor" replied Sara quietly.
"Good. It would also be best, if you didn't tell everyone about these visits... Who already knows about today's one?"
"Just my friends"
"Potter and Black?"
"Yes. And all my room mates. And Remus, and Peter"
"I see... Do they know why you are going home?"
"I told them that my mother is sick. So I have to visit her often"
"That was clever of you. Well done"
"Thank you, Professor".

When they reached Hogsmeade, McGonagall escourted Sara towards Madam Puddifoots tea room. Despite the shop being closed, there was a light on downstairs.
McGonagall knocked on the door, and waited for a young woman to open it, allowing them inside.
"Sara. This is Madam Puddifoot, and she will be disapparating to your villiage, with you. It was decided that this was the best way to transport you, to stop you from using so much Floo Powder. Be warned though, the first time you disapparate with someone, it can be a little off putting, and unsettling. Some are even sick afterwards... I will be waiting here, to take you back to the castle, when you return" explained McGonagall.

Madam Puddifoot raised her arm and winked at Sara.
"Ready?" She asked.
Sara looked to McGonagall, who nodded, and took hold of the young woman's arm. She took a deep breath, as the room began to spin, and the pair travelled half way across the country, to Sara's home town.

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