22- Exam Season

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When the Marauders returned to school, Sara found herself busier than ever. Her days and nights were filled with so much revision, that she barely had any time to spend with Remus.
She was even struggling to hang out with her room mates, as all the time she wasn't studying, was spent with the Marauders.
After every exam, Sara felt herself calm down, as she no longer had to revise that subject. But she was still stressing about her exams, as she was terrified of failing, and being thrown out of Hogwarts.
She knew this was unlikely, as she had never failed a test before. But the fear remained.
And she would do anything to avoid being sent back home.

Once Professor Flitwick had collected all their papers, for the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam, she leaned back in her chair, and sighed deeply.
The exam had been easier than she had feared, and Sara felt confident, that she would revieve a good mark.
She looked over at James, who winked at her, and the pair turned the attention back to Flitwick, who had been knocked off his feet, by all the papers he had summoned to himself.
"You are all free to go" Flitwick announced, pushing himself up off the floor.
Sara smiled, and jumped out of her chair, heading for the door, with the rest of her friends and classmates.

"Did you like question 10, Moony?" Questioned James, when they all reached each other.
Sara rolled her eyes, and placed her arm around Remus's.
"Loved it. Give 5 signs that identify the werewolf. Excellent question" replied Remus smiling.
"Do you think you managed to get all the signs?" Mocked James.
"Think I did. One, he's sitting in my chair. Two, he's wearing my clothes. Three, his name's Remus Lupin" joked Remus.
Everyone but Peter, laughed, while he still looked nervous about the exam.
"I got the snout shape, the pupils of the eyes, and the tufted tail. But I couldn't think of anything else-"
"How thick are you Wormtail? You run round with a werewolf once a month" interupted James.

"Keep your voice down" whispered Remus nervously.
"You worry too much" replied James, as he collapsed down next to a tree by the lake.
"Well, I thought the paper was a piece of cake. I'll be surprised if I don't get an Outstanding, on it at least. And you were worried that I was going to fail, Smokey" bragged Sirius.
Sara rolled her eyes, and sat down beside Remus.
"I agree. That exam was far easier than you were making it out to be" agreed James.
"Well, I wanted you to be prepared, in case it was hard" replied Sara.
James reached into his pocket, and pulled out a Golden Snitch, that was trying to fly away from him.
"Where did you get that?" Quizzed Sara.
"Nicked it" James answered casually.

James then began to play with the Snitch, letting it go, only to recapture it in a spectacular save.
"I'd be careful if I were you. If the Quidditch Captain sees, he might make you a Seeker instead of a Chaser" warned Sara.
"You worry too much" replied James.
Sara ignored him, and turned towards Remus, who had opened a book, and begun to read it. She rested her head on his shoulder, and closed her eyes, trying to block out the sounds of Peter cheering, when James made a good catch.
Eventually this activity began to annoy everyone, including Sirius.
"Put that away will you. Before Wormtail wets himself with excitement" he sighed.
Peter turned pink, and James grinned.
"If it bothers you" he replied, placing the Snitch back into his pocket.

"I'm bored... Wish it was a full moon" mumbled Sirius.
"You might" replied Remus, coldly.
"He's right, you shouldn't joke about the full moon Sirius... Anyway, we've still got Transfiguration to do. If you're bored, you can test me" offered Sara, holding out her Transfiguration text book.
"No thanks. Besides, I don't need that rubbish. I know it all" replied Sirius.
"This will liven you up, Padfoot. Look who it is" whispered James, pointing across the field.
"Excellent... Snivellus" Sirius replied, softly.

Sara looked away from Remus, to where James was pointing, and sighed.
Snape had just sat down near them, his head engrossed in the question paper, from the exam they had just taken.
James and Sirius stood up, and began to make their way towards him, leaving the rest of the Marauders behind.
"All right Snivellus?" Questioned James loudly, when he reached Snape.
Snape reacted so fast, almost as if he was expecting an attack, removing his wand from his robes, in seconds.
But James was faster.
"Expelliarmus!" James yelled, sending Snape's wand flying into the air.
"Impedimenta!" Shouted James, knocking Snape off his feet, and stopping him from getting his wand back.
Sirius laughed, as did a group of students, that had gathered behind them.
Peter was on his feet too, now that Snape was unarmed, and had begun jumping up and down, with excitement.

"How'd the exam go Snivelly?" James asked.
"I was watching him, his nose was touching the parchment the whole time. There'll be grease marks all over it, they won't be able to read a word" Sirius said viciously.
Snape tried to get up, but James's spell held him down.
"You-You wait" Snape spat angrily.
"Wait for what? What are you going to do Snivelly, wipe your nose on us?" Mocked Sirius.
Snape began to shout out a mixture of hexes, and swear words at James and Sirius, but since he was wandless, this had no effect.
"Wash out your mouth. Scourgify!" Snapped James, pointing his wand at Snape, and filling his mouth with soap.
Snape began to gag and choke, as pink bubbles erupted from his mouth, making it hard for him to breathe.

Not being able to watch Snape's suffering any longer, Sara got to her feet, and made her way towards James, intent on stopping him from going any further.
Unfortunately she was not the only one with this idea.
"Leave him alone!" Shouted Lily, as she pushed her way through the crowds of students, that had formed behind the group.
James span around when he heard Lily approach, and immediately began running his fingers through his hair.
"All right Evans?" He asked.
"Leave him alone. What's he ever done to you?" Questioned Lily angrily.
"Well, it's more the fact that he exists, if you know what I mean".
Everyone but Lily, Remus, and Sara burst out laughing.
"You think you're so funny Potter. But you're just an arrogent, bullying toerag Potter. Leave him alone" said Lily coldly.

"I will if you go out with me Evans. Go on, go out with me, and I'll never lay a wand on old Snivelly again" James said quickly.
"I wouldn't go out with you, if it was a choice between you, and the giant squid" spat Lily.
"Oo. Bad luck Prongs" chuckled Sirius.
Sara turned her head away from Lily, who had been glaring at her with such hatred.
Since Sara could no longer hear spluttering from Snape, she looked over at him, and saw him making his way towards his wand.
"No!" Shouted Sara.
But it was too late, Snape grabbed hold of his wand, and aimed a spell at James.
Thinking quickly, Sara pushed James to the floor, and cried out in pain, as a large gash appeared on the side of her own face. Splattering her robes in blood.

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