15- The Secret's Out

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The day after the full moon, the Marauders were all gathered in their favourite room, behind the mirror. The secret room, tat Sara had found in their first year.
Instead of doing their homework though, the teens had spent the entire morning, sketching out plans for their magic map.
They even chose, to stay in their room for lunch, rather than going down to the Great Hall. And they ended up stealing food from the kitchens, so that they would have something to eat.
Although, stealing was a strong word, since the house elves gave them as much food as they wanted, willingly.
Since the Marauders spent so much time in that room, they had filled it with tables, chairs, and even a sofa.
James as also used magic, to paint the walls, so that it looked more exciting, on the inside of the room.

When the group had finished eating, James nodded at Sirius, and the pair left the sofa, heading for the table that Remus was sat at.
"So... Remus... Did you have a good full moon?" James asked casually.
Remus choked on his pumpkin juice, and nodded his head, over enthusiastically.
"Y-yes. I didn't do anything special though, so I don't know why you're asking" stuttered Remus.
Sirius rolled his eyes at James, who copied him, and sighed.
"Look, mate. We know that you're a werewolf... We'd have to be fools not to notice all your little trips, around each full moon" said Sirius.
Remus's jaw dropped, and his head turned to face Sara, who was sitting in an armchair, about a metre away.
"You told them!" He spat.
Sara frowned, and shook her head.
"No. I didn't. I would never-"
"Wait! You knew?" Questioned James, interupting Sara.

"How long have you known?" Sirius asked.
Sara sighed, and got up to sit on the wooden chair at the table, beside the others. Peter saw this, and copied her, taking the 5th, and final seat.
"I found out, just before Christmas, last year" admitted Sara.
"And you didn't think to tell us?"
"Remus didn't want me to. He wasn't ready for you to know the truth about him... About both us"
"Wait, you're not a werewolf too?"
"No... But I can also transform into a monster".
"Why didn't either of you tell us?" Asked James, sounding hurt.
Remus looked down at the table, unable to make eye contact with anyone.
"I didn't think you would want to be friends with me. If you knew the truth" he said quietly.
"Remus, that's stupid. We're your friends. We aren't going to abandon you, just because you've got a furry little problem" replied James.

Sirius nodded, and looked over at Sara, who hadn't said a word.
"You're rather quite Burne. If you aren't a werewolf, then what are you?" He asked.
"I'm a Maledictus... It's a blood curse, passed down through the female line. And it forces me to transform into a beast" answered Sara.
"What animal do you turn into?"
"How am I meant to- wait a minute. Your tattoo... You can turn into a dragon"
"You're smarter than you look Black"
"I don't understand why you'd want to keep that a secret. Turning into a dragon is so cool. I'd love to be able to do it"
"No... You really wouldn't".

"Dragons are very dangerous" Peter muttered.
"Yes, they are. Just as dangerous as werewolves" agreed Sara, trying to turn the conversation away from herself.
"McGonagall can turn into a cat. Does she have the same thing as you?" Questioned Sirius.
"No. I'm a Maledictus. She's an Animagus" Sara answered.
"What's the difference?"
"I was born like this, because my grandmother was cursed... But Animagi, like McGonagall choose to become an animal, through hard work, and immense magical prowess. They go through a transformation, and become their spirit animal".
A huge smile, filled James's face, and Sara groaned, she knew that look.
"What are planning?" She questioned.
"Nothing. I was just thinking... How difficult do you think it would be, for us to become Animagi?" He asked.

"Very difficult. Those that are one, have to be on a special list, at the Ministry.
There are disasterous consequences, that can happen to you, if the process goes wrong. So hardly anyone is brave enough to try.
And as far as I'm aware, the process takes months to do...
Besides, me and Remus can't become Animagi, because we can already transform into animals" explained Sara.
"I wasn't thinking about you two. I was thinking about the rest of us... If we could all transform into animals, then we could all keep Remus company, while he's a werewolf" James replied.

Sirius patted James on the back, and grinned.
"That's a great idea. Right Remus?".
Remus didn't look quite so sure.
"I don't think this is such a good idea... What if I hurt one of you, because you got too close to me. I have no control, over what I do, when I transformed" he mumbled.
"Unless we all turn into bugs, or something tiny, I'm sure we'll be big enough to keep a werewolf in check. Besides, we'll have a dragon on our side" Sirius reassured.

Sara held up her hands, getting everyone's attention.
"Sorry to burst your bubble guys. But did you not hear the part, when I said it is one of the hardest things to do. And is only ever done, by very accomplished witches and wizards... Not, a bunch of second year students, with average magical abilities".
Sara's realistic attitude, did nothing to dampen Sirius and James's excitement.
"I'd say we're above average actually" Sirius boasted.
"Yeah. And even if it takes years to do, I know we'll get there in the end" agreed James.
Sara rolled her eyes.
"That's what you said about the Marauders Map... Do you plan on doing any school work, over the next few years? Or would you rather keep trying to reach, impossible goals, that will never be achieved".

"Your negitive attitude, will never bring us down, Burne" said Sirius, defiantly.
"He's right... In fact, I'm off to the library, to get some books on Animagi" replied James, standing.
"James Potter, and Sirius Black, going to the library. The world's coming to an end" mocked Sara, as Sirius stood up, to join his friend.
"Not coming then Burne?" Sirius quizzed.
"Not a chance. I've got homework to do. But don't let me stop you. Say hello to Pince for me, while you're there".
The boys picked up their wands, and headed out of the room, with Peter at their heels. As he didn't want to be left in a room, with two people, who could turn into large beasts.

"You didn't tell them everything about being a Maledictus... About what it means, for your future" Remus said quietly, once they were alone.
"There's plenty of time for that... Besides, they seemed a little pre-occupied with the idea of becomming animals" Sara replied.
Remus rested his hand on Sara's shoulder.
"And you're O.K with that, the others becomming animals, I mean"
"I've never liked the idea of Animagi. People who choose to spend most of their life, as an animal... I don't have that luxury"
"I know. And I'm sorry".

"Don't be. It's just me being selfish. And if this helps you, during your monthly transformations, then it's the right thing to do" admitted Sara.
"But what about you-"
"My own personal feelings don't matter... I'll do anything to help you Remus" interupted Sara.
"Sara... Thank you"
"Don't thank me yet. I still don't think that James will be able to find a way to do it"
"You shouldn't doubt him. Potter can do anything, once he sets his mind to it"
"Hmm, that's true... Well, here's to the Marauders, the future, secret Animagi, of the Hogwarts"
"Yes, here's to us"
"To us".

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