21- Winter Thrills

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Sara spent the best Christmas of her life, with Remus, and the rest of the Lupins. Hope and Lyall fawned over Sara, in a way that she had never experienced before. They even asked her to stay during the Easter holidays, when Sara usually just stayed at Hogwarts.
For the first time in her life, Sara was a part of a family.
Boxing Day had been a full moon unfortunately. So Sara had to spend the morning after it, alone with Lyall and Hope, while Remus rested, and recovered from his transformation.
"I'm so glad that Remus found someone, who can look past his differences, and love him, just as we do" said Hope, during breakfast.
Sara smiled, and covered her mouth as she yawned. Since she had spent most of the night with Remus, in her dragon form, she was almost as tired as he was.
"I was the first one, in our group to find out about him. But it didn't bother me. I didn't treat him any differently when I found out the truth" Sara replied.

"It's so nice that he felt able to tell you the truth. I have to admit, we were worried when he said that all his friends knew his secret. But he managed to convince us, that none of you would betray him, and tell anyone else the truth" revealed Lyall.
"If I'm being honest, Remus never actually told us, we all sort of found out, in our own way. I bumped into him, during one of his transformations, and James and Sirius worked it out for themselves" admitted Sara.
Lyall frowned, looking concerned.
"I'm surprised that he didn't hurt you, when you saw him in his wolf form. You're lucky to be alive".
Sara lowered her eyes, and sighed.
"It wasn't as bad as you think... Remus can't hurt me, when he's a wolf... It's hard to explain... But Remus isn't the only one with a curse of sorts. I can transform into an animal too... I'm a Maledictus".

After a few moments of silence, Lyall felt brave enough to speak.
"I have never heard of this affliction before. You say you can turn into an animal as well?".
Sara nodded, and explained her condition to the Lupins.
"So, Remus knows about this?" Quizzed Hope.
"Yes. Like I said, we bumped into each other, while we were both transformed. I was afraid of what he would think of me, when he learned the truth, and he felt the same about me... I think it actually made us closer. We kept each others secrets, but eventually our other friends learned the truth, for themselves" Sara answered.
"I guess this is why you didn't mind spending your Christmas with us, instead of going home. If your mother also has this curse, it must make life pretty hard for you both"
"Yeah, it's not easy. Christmas is pretty much non existant in my house... It's been nice to experience it properly, for once"
"Well, I'm glad you have enjoyed your time here"
"Thank you for letting me stay with you"
"You're welcome. I can see the positive change you've made in my son, and I'm glad that he has you".

"You talking about me?" Questioned Remus, as he entered the kitchen a moment later.
"Maybe" teased Sara, as he took a seat by her side.
"Nothing bad I hope"
"Of course not... I told them, the truth about me"
"Really? Well, I'm glad you felt you could trust my parents with your secret"
"My condition isn't as big a secret, as yours. The Ministry already knows about me. But since your family has been so kind to me, I thought they deserved the truth".
Remus looked away from Sara, and towards his parents.
"You're not angry, or upset, or scared of her?" He questioned.
"Of course not. Whoever makes you happy, makes me happy son... No matter how many blood curses they have" replied Hope.
Sara smiled, and Remus sighed in relief.
"Good. I couldn't bare it, if you thought her too dangerous or unsafe to have in the house"
"Remus, after raising you, nothing like that worries us any more. You love her, and that's all that matters".

"Hey, look who's finally here! Smokey and Moony have decided to turn up" shouted Sirius, as Remus and Sara entered James's house, on New Year's Eve.
Sara looked at the drink in Sirius's hand, and frowned.
"You started drinking, before we even got here" she said dissappointedly.
"Hey, I've been here for hours already. You didn't expect me to wait for you two late-comers, did you?"
"Where are the others? I hope they're not as intoxicated as you are?"
"I am not drunk, I don't know where you got that idea from. But Prongs and Wormy are in the garden. We've got a bonfire going. It's right up your street Smokey" replied Sirius, tripping over his own feet, as he turned around.
Sara rolled her eyes, as she and Remus, followed Sirius out the back, to where James and Peter, were sitting.
Several deckchairs had been laid out, around a huge fire, in the middle of the garden. While various drinks and snacks, were scattered around the rest of garden.

When James saw them approaching, he jumped off his chair, and ran towards them, wrapping them in a big hug.
"Woh, careful Prongs" warned Sara, as she felt herself losing balance.
James released them, and pointed towards the fire.
"Come on you two. I want to hear all about your Christmases. It'll be nice to hear from someone other than Sirius" he admitted.
Sara smiled.
"He been getting on your nerves?" She asked.
"Yes. He's been here, like every day, sleeping over most nights, and I need a break. I need to talk to someone other than him, and my parents. Otherwise I might lose my mind"
"Glad we could be of service".

Remus and Sara took their seats, in the unoccupied chairs, and grabbed a Butterbeer each, from the ice bucket.
Sara turned to Peter, who was sitting on her other side, and picked a jelly bean from the packet, in the pocket of his chair.
"Did you have a good Christmas Peter?" She asked, smiling as the flavour of the sweet in her mouth, was candyfloss.
Peter smiled and nodded.
"Yes. My parents prepared a wonderful feast on Christmas Day. It was even better than last year, I don't know how my mother does it. Anyway, how was yours?".
Sara took hold of Remus's hand and squeezed it tight.
"It was pretty good actually. My favourite Christmas so far" she said smiling.
"Did you like the presents we all sent you?" James asked nervously.
"Of course. All the gifts I recieved, were wonderful. You all out-did yourselves, thank you. The ear rings were beautiful James, I wore them on Christmas Day, and I look forward to wearing them again".

"Right, now that everyone's here, we should get the firework show started. It's getting close to Midnight" announced Sirius, rubbing his hands together, as he stood up.
"How about we let someone, who hasn't had a dozen Butterbeers, deal with the explosives" suggested Sara.
"What, don't you trust me?"
"No, I don't".
"I hate to break it to you Sara, but I've drunk almost as much as Padfoot" James admitted.
Sara sighed and turned her head to Peter.
"Err, no. I've drunk a lot too. And I'm really no good at those kind of things" muttered Peter.
Remus stood up, and placed his hands on his hips.
"Looks like it's up to me then" he said sighing.
"I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job" encouraged Sara.
"All the fireworks are lined up at the bottom of the garden. All you've got to do, is light them" instructed James.

Sara frowned.
"That'll be hard without a wand" she admitted.
"Yeah, but next year, I will be 17, so I'll be able to use magic outside of school" replied Sirius smuggly.
"Merlin, help us all" mumbled Sara, rolling her eyes.
"Just use magic Moony. It's not like the Ministry will be able to tell, cos my parents use magic here, so they won't be able to tell that it's not my parents doing it" James encouraged.
Remus looked uncomfortable.
"No. The law is there for a reason. I don't want to risk being expelled, just for a few fireworks".
"Ooo, such a good Prefect Moony" mocked Sirius.

Remus ignored him, and picked up a box of matches from the floor.
"Looks like I'll be doing this the muggle way".
"Good luck" replied Sara.
Remus nodded his head, and made his way down to the bottom of the garden.
"The fireworks are all connected, so you only need to light the first one!" James shouted, to Remus.
"O.K!" Remus shouted back.

The Marauders all got to their feet as Remus ran back over to them, and the first firework, made it's way into the sky. Exploding, with a large bang, and releasing a thousand colours into the nights sky.
Remus joined Sara's side, and the pair entwined their fingers together.
"Woooooo! Happy New Year!" Yelled Sirius, throwing his arms into the air, and running around the garden, like a mad-man.
Sara and Remus laughed at Sirius, and stepped closer together.
"Happy New Year Remus" whispered Sara.
"Happy New Year Sara" replied Remus, as he pressed his lips against hers, marking the start of the new year. With a background of colourful fireworks, and a kiss.

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