16- Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs

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James was right in thinking that becomming Animagi, would take a long time. The Marauders weren't ready to complete their transformation, until a few weeks into their 5th year at Hogwarts.
"Remind me why we are doing this in the Forbidden Forest" Peter said nervously, as the group snuck through the trees, one night.
"Because, it recommends doing it in a wide open space. Probably in case you turn into huge animals" Sara answered.
"And the Lightning Storm?"
"It's the only time the transformation will work... Are you sure the potion is correct?" Sara asked, turning to face James.
"Relax Sara. We all triple checked it... It's going to work" he replied.
"This is your last chance to change your mind"
"Not a chance. We've been waiting years for this moment, and now it's here".
"Yeah, there's no way I'm turning back now. Not after holding that Mandrake leaf in my mouth, for a whole month" agreed Sirius.

Sara looked up at the sky, just a lightning bolt, shot through the clouds.
"O.K. It's time then" she announced, removing three potion vials from her cloak, and handing then to James, Sirius, and Peter.
The boys removed the lids from their potions, and lifted the vial to their lips.
"Amato Animo Animata Animagus" they all muttered, before downing the liquid.
All Sara and Remus could do, was step back and watch, as the friends began to grimace and squrim.
The transformation didn't take more than a minute, but Sara felt as if it had taken a lifetime. And when it was finally complete, she gazed at her friends, who had all been replaced, bu animals.
James was now a deer, Sirius a dog, and Peter a rat.
"Wow. I can't believe it really worked" Sara admitted.
"We won't know for sure, until they turn back, and we make sure that there aren't any nasty side effects" reminded Remus.

The boys changed back into a human, a few minutes later, with huge smiles on their faces.
"That was great!" James announced.
"What was it like?" Sara quizzed.
"Like nothing I've ever felt before... It was incredible. It was like I was really a deer"
"Well you did look like a deer... The prongs on your antlers were a bit rubbish though. But I guess you aren't a fully grown deer, yet. I suspect they'll get bigger, when you're older"
"Hey, no mocking me, you aren't a fully grown dragon either"
Sirius's eyes lit up, and Sara frowned, she didn't like it when he looked like that.
"What?" She asked nervously.
"I was just thinking about how we all need cool code names, for our other forms. And when you said, prongs, I thought that that was a great name for James" explained Sirius.

"Code names, seriously? How old are you?" Sara asked, sighing.
"I think it's a great idea" said James, siding with Sirius.
Sirius patted James on the back, and smiled.
"You've always got my back... Prongs".
Sara rolled her eyes.
"Fine. I give up. Go on then Sirius, what would you call all of us?" Questioned Sara.
It took Sirius several minutes of intense concentration, and arguing with everyone, before he came up with suitable names, for all the Marauders.
"So, I'm Padfoot. James, as we know, is Prongs. Peter is Wormtail- no more arguing Peter, you've lost this fight. Remus is Moony. And Sara is Smokey".

"I'm not happy with this. But it seems like I've got no choice" groaned Sara.
"I wish our names weren't so obvious. They make it easy to guess, our most guarded secrets" Remus complained.
"It's decided. There's no going back now. Anyway, the only people who are going to know, and use these names, are us" Sirius said firmly.
"I agree... Padfoot" replied James.
"Prongs" countered Sirius, causing the two to burst out laughing
"Merlin's beard, it's like dealing with a couple of children" sighed Sara.
"I'm not the one who joined the frog choir. It's not exactly a mature thing to do" replied James.
"Leave me alone. I wanted to do an extra-curricular activity, now that the Map, and your transformations are complete. I didn't fancy becomming a chaser, and joining the Quidditch team, like you. So it was this, or the Gobstones club"
"I'd love to have seen you playing Gobstones, with all the first years, and other losers"
"I bet you would".

"You could have joined the duelling club. That wouldn't have been cool" Sirius admitted.
"I'm sure I will have plenty of opportunities to duel in the future... Besides, I happen to quite like singing" Sara replied.
"Really? You've never sung in front of us before. Or even hinted that you singing" said James curiously.
"Because I'd knew you'd all take the piss" snapped Sara.
"I think you have a lovely voice" replied Remus quietly.
Sara blushed.
"You're welcome".
"How come he gets to hear you sing, and we don't?" Questioned James.
"Because I trust him. And I know he'd never hurt my feelings, by being cruel" admitted Sara.
Sirius placed his hand over his heart dramatically.
"You hurt my feelings Smokey".
"I'm sure you'll get over it".

"Now. I'm tired so I'm going to go back to school, and go to bed" Sara continued.
"Fine. You two can go. But we're going to stay out here, and try our new animal forms, out" James replied.
"That's fine with me. But I'm taking the Map. Good luck getting back in, without it"
"Eugh. You are no fun"
"You'll thank me one day... Besides, you can try out your Animagus forms another night. Now that you've done this, it's for life. It's not going to dissappear one day"
"Alright, fine, we'll come back with you" James said, caving in.
"Speaking of the Map. I think we should put our names on it. Our code names, I mean" Sirius suggested.
"Good idea mate. Pass me a quill and some ink Moony. I know you're one to carry that kind of stuff around with you" instructed James.

Once Remus had given the equipment to James, Sara handed him the Map, and removed her wand, from her cloak.
"I solemnly swear, that I am up to no good" she said, pointing her wand at the Map.
A few seconds later, the parchment began to fill up with writing, and drawings, revealing the Marauders hard work.
James dipped his quill, in some ink, and lent forward, to make an amendment, to the Map. As he wrote on the Map, the others all stared over his shoulder, to see what he was writing.
'Messrs; Moony, Wormtail, Smokey, Padfoot, and Prongs, Purveyours of Aids to Mischief-Makers, are proud to present, The Marauders Map'.

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