1- The old Headmaster

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When young Sara Burne opened the front door, on her 11th birthday, the last person she expected to see was Albus Dumbledore.
Instead of opening the door all the way, Sara remained partially hidden from the stranger outside.
"Are you from the Ministry?" Sara asked nervousily, using her long, dirty blonde hair, to hide her face from the man.
She was rather used to unexpected Ministry visits, as Ministry officials, often turned up to check on her, and her mother.
The old man in front of her, shook his head.
"No. I am not from the Ministry of Magic. My name is Albus Dumbledore, I am the Headmaster of Hogwarts school of Withcraft and Wizardry" he revealed.
"Oh" mumbled Sara.
"May I come in?"
"I suppose so".

Sara stepped away from the doorway, allowing Dumbledore to enter her house, before quickly shutting the door behind him.
The two of them stood awkwardly in the hallway, for a few moments, unsure of what to say. Sara stared at the floor, as she was unable to meet the Headmaster's piercing blue eyes.
"Why don't we go into your living room, to have a chat?" Suggested Dumbledore, pointing to the room on his right.
Sara turned her head to look into the room, before nodding her head.
"O.K" she agreed, leading the way into the living room.
As there was only one sofa in the room, Sara and Dumbledore had to share it, leaving only a few inches between them.
Sara began to pick at her nails nervously, as she watched Dumbledore take in the room. His eyes glazed over all the scratches, and scorch marks on the walls, turning to look at Sara.

"Sara. I trust you recieved your letter, informing you, that you are due to start Hogwarts, in September. Well, the reason I have come to visit you, is because you failed to send a reply. Confirming your place at Hogwarts. So I have come to find out, why that is" explained Dumbledore.
Sara sighed.
"I can't go" she mumbled.
"And why is that?" Questioned Dumbledore.
"You're a smart man. I'm sure you know what is wrong with me, and why I can't go"
"You are speaking of your... illness"
"My curse"
"Well, I do not believe that this affliction, should stop you studying at Hogwarts"
"You don't?"

Sara smiled, but then her eyes fell on a photo, of her and her mother, on the mantlepiece. It was one of the only pictures that Sara had of her and her mother together.
It had been taken when she was just 5 years old, only a couple of years before her mother became permanently stuck, in the body of a beast.
Sara shook her head.
"No, I can't. I can't leave my mother" she admitted.
Dumbledore sighed.
"I see. Your devotion to your mother is wonderful. But I would hate for it to stand in the way of your education" replied Dumbledore.
"I want to come to Hogwarts, I always have... But I can't leave my mother for months at a time. It- it wouldn't be good for her"
"It seems that you are placing her well-being, over your happiness"
"She is my mother. And we are the same. She is the only one who understands me, and what I'm going through"
"Well, what does she think of this situation? Does she want you to go to school?".

Sara frowned and bit her lip.
"She- she doesn't speak much anymore".
"I see" Dumbledore replied softly.
"Well, prehaps certain arrangements can be made, so that you can still see your mother, during the school term" he continued.
"Really? What kind of arrangements?"
"I would have to talk to the staff. But I'm sure I could arrange for someone to take you home, to visit your mother, at the end of each week. If you would like"
"Oh, yes please"
"I'm glad that you like the idea"
"I do... Other kids get to write letters to their parents. But I wouldn't be able to do that, since my mum can't- this is a much better way, of keeping in touch with her".
Dumbledore smiled and pushed himself up off the sofa.
"Good. I shall inform the staff of your decision" he announced.
"Wait! What about the other students? Will they know about my affliction?" Sara asked anxiously.

"There is a chance that some might already know about it, if their parents work at the Ministry. But it is unlikely that they will know about your blood curse. It isn't a commenly known disease. However, I still think it would be unwise to feed these rumors, by confirming that you are a Maledictus" warned Dumbledore.
Sara nodded her head.
"O.K. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone".
"Good. Oh, and if I could ask you not to transform inside the castle, that would be good. We don't want to cause widespread panic"
"No... But I can't always control it"
"Then I advise you to find an empty classroom, or cupboard, that you can quickly transform in, if need be".
Dumbledore bowed his head, and began to make his way towards the front door. But Sara hadn't finished.

"Wait!" She shouted, jumping from her seat, and following the Headmaster into the hallway.
"In the letter, there was a list of school supplies, that I have to buy... Well, the thing is, we don't really have a lot of money" she said uncomfortably.
"That isn't a problem. The school has a hardship fund, so we can give you some money to buy school books, clothes and accessories" replied Dumbledore.
"Oh. Well, thank you"
"You are most welcome... Do you know how to get to Diagon Alley, to buy these things? London is quite far away from here"
"Don't worry. There is an elderly witch who lives in the villiage nearby. She comes to check on me once a week. I'm sure she will take me"
"Well then. I shall bid you farewell... Oh, and happy birthday by the way"
"Thank you. Professor".

Dumbledore smiled, and opened the front door, letting himself out the house. Sara watched him leave the grounds, and once he was gone, she ran through the house, heading for the garden.
She threw open the back door, and ran towards a large, blue, sleeping dragon, that was lying on the grass, a few metres away from the house.
"Mum! Mum, guess what?" Shouted Sara, heading towards the dragon.
Her shouts caused the dragon to open an eyelid and yawn loudly.
"Mum! Mum. I'm going to Hogwarts" announced Sara excitedly.
Sara's mother, the dragon, named Natasha, smiled, as Sara ran towards her.
Without fear, Sara jumped onto her mother, giving her a big hug.
"I love you mum. And don't worry, everything is going to work out just fine. I promise".

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