Chapter 33

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"All set?" Camila asked as she smiled out of adoration upon seeing her gorgeous girlfriend from the doorway of her dorm room.

"Yes, I think so." Lauren smoothed down her more than casual shirt and glanced behind her at her belongings. She didn't need a purse to carry on her for their dinner date since Camila said she would pay. Lauren just needed her phone, but she sure did feel like she was forgetting something; she figured that was the anxiety speaking.

"Let's go then." She offered her hand, which Lauren took gently, and walked down the hall with her. 

They passed room after room that belonged to students they may have mildly interacted with, yet they always stuck in the same friend group. Class friends didn't really count as friends until they hung out outside of class, and both girls felt they could spend better time doing other things than making new friends. For starters, Lauren was a small friend group type of person and wasn't that social beyond it. Camila just knew plenty of people that she made sure to not hang out with a lot because she was kind of annoyed with all of them; plus, she liked to avoid some of the girls she used to "interact" with, especially when her girlfriend was around. She loved jealous Lauren, but she did not love upset Lauren.

As luck would have it for the couple, Dinah happened to exit her dorm room right as they were a few feet from passing it. She whistled at the dressed up girls and proceeded with her question.

"Date night, huh?"

"Yes," Lauren said with a bright smile when she stopped in front of her friend.

"And we're on a tight schedule," Camila said as she pulled her girlfriend away from Dinah. "So bye."

"Rude," Dinah huffed.

"I thought you said it wasn't a reservation or anything," Lauren spoke in a confused tone.

"Oh, it's not."

"You're such a little shit."

"I'm your little shit," Camila flirted and placed a soft kiss on Lauren's cheek.

"I mean, true but still-"

"Shh, we'll hang out with her and Normani another time. We've all been busy with homework for that extra time anyway."

"You say like you do homework," Lauren teased.

"Hey, I do, I half-ass it just to get it over with."

"You're lucky you're a genius."

"Damn right I am because I do not have time for those ridiculous assignments."

"They're not all ridiculous," Lauren argued as she thought back on the several assignments that have brought her great knowledge.

"Says the nerd," Camila said lightheartedly and squeezed her hand.

"I mean, technically you're a nerd-"

"How dare you!"

Surrounding students gave them a confused look at the sudden outburst from Camila that wasn't in a serious tone, but they were quick to turn away when they saw both girls smiling.

"Nerrrddd," Lauren poked at her sides until her hands got swatted away.

"Stop, I have to uphold my badass reputation."

"We talked about this, babe, it's pretty much gone."

Camila groaned with fake annoyance because although she did like having that badass reputation following her around, she had Lauren in place of it now. She would much rather have her.

The Stubborn Roommate (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now