Chapter 18

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I'm super sick and don't feel like working on exams so here I am!


"Swimming suit?" Camila asked Lauren upon shoving her own into her bag.

"Yes, I would not forget about that," the other girl replied with a roll of her eyes. They were going to the beach after all. She was digging through her bag, double-checking to make sure she had everything, while someone was just starting to pack.

"What kind of swimming suit?"

"Simmer down, Cabello."

The older girl laughed and finally zipped her duffel bag closed. She let out a content sigh because she didn't have to shove anything down violently to make it work. That was common for most of the times she packed.

"I'm ready to go if you are," Camila said happily. 

A whole weekend away from all the bullshit on campus. The two were excited, that was for sure. 

"Absolutely!" Lauren slid off her bed while getting her arm under the straps of her bag. 

Lauren stood in front of her bed, phone in hand, bag hanging off her forearm, and shoes on her feet. She had been ready for the past hour and was giddy about leaving. 

The older girl smiled in her direction because she knew Lauren was on a level of impatient patience while she packed last minute. Glancing around the room one last time to make sure she had all she needed, she grabbed her keys from the desk, slung her bag over her shoulder, and pulled open the door. She waited patiently behind it for Lauren to go through first.

"Thank you," Lauren said with a smile as she walked through the door and into the hall. That was where she came face-to-face with her two best friends.

"Hey, we were just coming over to say goodbye," Normani said with an innocent, absolutely breathtaking smile while Dinah was wearing a not so innocent one.

"Yeah, to wish you a great time," Dinah pitched in.

"Okay, thanks," Lauren said quietly. "Bye, guys."

The tall blonde pulled her into a hug only to be in a close range of whispering to which no one else could hear.

"I expect to have full updates of when you two finally get together or anything over text," she said. "Because I will know if you haven't, and I will be very unhappy."

"Geesh, okay," Lauren whispered shyly. 

Lauren didn't even expect anything to happen... okay, maybe she did a little. That didn't mean she wanted to go bragging about it to her friends though. She was usually reserved on that topic. Actually, it wasn't a topic she was all too familiar with.

"Bye, Lauren, have a great time," Dinah said louder in order to sell it to Camila. It didn't work because brown eyes that knew what was happening and were glaring at her.

"Thanks, have a great weekend yourself." She snuck around her to hug Normani too. Even if it was a few days, she would miss her friends.

"I'll keep her off her phone so she doesn't bother you the whole time," Normani told her in a whisper.

"You are a literal angel."

"I try."

Lauren pulled away, smiling, and glanced back at Camila. "Let's go now, shall we?"

Camila nodded and awkwardly snuck around the two girls to lead the way. The green-eyed girl followed her with a small smile on her lips.

"I'll get it," Camila insisted as she took hold of the handle of Lauren's bag. "You can get inside the car."

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