Chapter 14

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"Why did I eat so much?" Lauren groaned as she sat back further in her chair to free the room on her stomach. Nothing seemed to help the bloating. 

"Because you kept saying how juicy the chicken was," Taylor teased with a smile. 

"It was so good."

Camila grinned as she listened to Lauren because she really did enjoy it. She watched her younger roommate devour slice after slice of perfectly seasoned chicken. Lauren ate relentlessly.

Camila sipped from her glass of red wine that the older Jauregui members decided to only share with the two girls in college. They weren't going anywhere, and they claimed it was better for them to drink in the safety of the house rather than outside of it. Camila was happy she was viewed as mature enough to have a glass of alcohol, even if she barely knew the family.

"I should go lie down," Lauren said with a huff. "I think I'm about to go into a food coma."

"You're so dramatic," Clara said lightheartedly with a shake of her head. 

"I wonder where she got that." Mike smirked.

She rolled her eyes at her husband.

Lauren stood up and grabbed her plate, one thing she learned to always do in front of her parents. She got yelled at enough as a kid for it to become conditioned. She hesitated to go to the sink and decided to grab Camila's plate as well to cease that hesitation. She may as well so the two could leave the room after. Lauren only wanted to leave to lie down, and she did not want to leave the girl alone with her family members. Bad things could happen. Bad, embarrassing things.

Brown, curious eyes followed the raven-haired girl until she was in front of the sink and cleaning off the plates. A small smile formed on her lips. The smallest of gestures were frequent with Lauren, but Camila still found herself appreciating them just as much as the first one.

"Come on, Camila," she called out to her older roommate before addressing the rest of her family. "We'll be in my room... if I can make it up the steps."

Camila grinned as she followed Lauren out of the kitchen.

"Remember to keep the door-"

"Shut it, Tay!" Lauren hollered back.

Laughter was heard from behind them, laughter that everyone but Lauren found amusing. She was sick of her sister teasing her for no reason. 

"You're just going to lie down while I'm forced to do nothing?" Camila asked a minute after seeing Lauren fall down on her bed, the covers practically building up around her body to show off their softness. Her limbs were spread out and everything.

"Pretty much, yeah." Lauren grinned lazily, feeling sleep creep up on her, and closed her eyes.

"You're a terrible host." The older girl picked up one of the pillows that was left untouched on the sleeping bag and whipped it at the nearly asleep girl's face. She grinned triumphantly when Lauren reacted so abruptly that she nearly fell off the edge of the large bed.

"Camila, don't do this now," Lauren whined. "I'm tired."

"And I'm bored."


"Want me to just go downstairs and hang out with your family?" Camila asked although she had no intention of doing so. She knew it would only rile up the other girl. "I'm sure they have plenty of embarrassing stories to tell me about a young Lauren Jauregui."

"Okay, stop." Lauren sat up and ran her fingers through her hair. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know."

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