Chapter 6

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Camila put her shoes on as silently as possible before sneaking out the door of Destiny's room. She had been talking to that girl for a few weeks now and finally found something interesting about her. She found out she liked to paint, not just for classes or to make money either, and Camila thought she was genuinely good at it. Art has always been an interest to her, but it was never something she could personally do. She found most of the people she spent her time with being artists. Destiny would just have to be added to that list. They looked at some of her exquisite painting of the beach view before they got busy. Camila thought she wasn't bad either. She did all the right things with her...

"Fuck!" Camila cursed when she searched her pockets for the small, metal item that could help her enter her dorm room and came up empty-handed. She realized she forgot her key when she was in such a rush to get away from her horrid roommate and into another girl's bed. 

She hated to think she would owe Lauren something if she opened the door for her, but she had no other choice. With a solemn expression, she knocked three times on the wooden door. She had a feeling she was about to get an earful. She had to wait a whole twenty seconds, twenty seconds, before it was pulled open. 

A messy-haired and bright-eyed girl stood in the doorway, squinting at Camila through her sensitive-to-light eyes. Her large, pajama shirt was wrinkled from the sleep put on it in various positions. The length of it nearly covered her shorts. She was having a dream, a great one actually, until the devil had to pop that bubble and woke her up. Lauren was gaining more and more reasons to hate her.

Camila tried to pass her, but Lauren stepped closer to the doorway to block her. The brown-eyed girl raised an eyebrow and stood up taller.

"Can you move?" she asked in an impolite tone.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Lauren asked in a hoarse, exhausted voice.

"Trying to get into my room to sleep."

"Obviously, but there were other places you could have slept tonight. Go back there." She tried to close the door but a tan hand reached out to stop it.

"Lauren, come on," Camila pleaded. She instantly was disgusted with herself for trying to act so nice to her. If this approach didn't work, she had other ways. She knew how to get a girl to break.

"Come in at normal hours next time." Lauren stepped back into the room, immediately going to crawl back into her pile of blankets where she curled up with a content sigh.

Surprised from her roommate actually letting her in without yelling at her first, Camila slipped inside. She fumbled around in the dark while changing before climbing into bed too. She faced the younger girl's bed, as sleeping on her left side was her favorite, and ended up falling asleep like that.

Lauren awoke the next morning to her alarm clock playing an upbeat, pop song, feeling the effects of a headache and a sore throat. She immediately starting coughing once she turned it off. Each one felt like a stab to her dry throat. The noise of the consistent coughing happened to wake the older girl in the room.

"Shut the fuck up," Camila mumbled through her blankets that were pulled over her head.

"You shut up," Lauren snapped in a scratchy voice before coughing again. She cleared her throat after that fit was over and moved out of bed to cool her burning throat.

As soon as she stood up though, she began to feel lightheaded. She had to grab her bed to steady herself. She decided today would not be the best day to go to class. She grabbed her bottle of water, her cell phone, and crawled back into bed. She burrowed beneath the blankets and brought up her school email on her phone.

The Stubborn Roommate (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now