Chapter 15

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Now dressed in their pajamas and under the warmth of the blankets, the two roommates stared at the TV in Lauren's room. A movie that both girls barely paid attention to was playing. Each of their minds were stuck replaying the prior events that happened a few hours ago. Camila was thinking about Sofia, and Lauren was thinking about why the older girl was crying so hard. Neither of them talked about it though, unsure if the other would want to converse about it. No matter what, it would be a hard topic. Camila did not feel like breaking down again, as she was too fragile from the last one.

"Want me to grab us some snacks?" Lauren asked after hearing the faint rumble of Camila's stomach. She smiled at the sound because they literally just ate pounds of food for dinner.

"Please," Camila answered nicely.

Lauren nodded and wiggled out of the bed without trying to disrupt the covers too much in a way that it would pull off Camila's body. She gave the other girl a small smile before disappearing out of the room. Lauren knew exactly what snack to make.

"Whatcha doing?" Taylor asked when they met halfway on the stairs. Her hair was messy, and she was clearly ready for bed. She only wanted a glass of water first.

"Just getting some snacks for me and Camila."

"Ah, I see. Well, you two have fun in bed." Taylor was already sprinting up the steps before she finished her sentence so Lauren couldn't smack her. 

"Little shit," Lauren mumbled. She shook her head as she made it all the way down the steps and into the kitchen.

The snack was made without any more interruptions so she was quick to get back upstairs again. She held the plate in one hand and pushed the door open with the other. She did happen to close it behind her for safety. Taylor was always around.

Camila perked up on the bed, trying to straighten up to see what was on the plate. Lauren smiled at how adorable the sight was.

"Here you are." Lauren set the plate onto Camila's lap before crawling back into bed beside her.

"Oh my god." Her mouth watered at the sight of the plate. "How did you know I loved this?"

Green eyes looked down at her as Camila bit into the peanut buttered bread with banana slices covering the sticky top and shrugged to nonverbally answer her question. Camila's eyes closed in delicious pleasure because it had been so long since she had that specific snack. She definitely needed to buy the specific ingredients to load into her dorm room, as there were not many. Maybe she could share with Lauren as a future thanks. Friendships do require reciprocation after all.

"Good?" Lauren asked with a smirk because she knew the answer.

"Oh, yeah," Camila said with a mouthful of food. Her tongue was sticking with peanut butter, and she couldn't be happier.

The younger girl laughed and sat beside her, her back getting comfortable against the headboard once again. Lauren reached for the third sandwich on the plate, because with making three in total she figured she could take at least one, only to get the back of her hand smacked with a nice slap.

"Camila!" Lauren gasped as she was playfully grinned at.

"Mine," she said simply.

"Come on, asshole, I made three so I could have one."


"Camila." She reached for the sandwich only to get smacked again. She narrowed her eyes intimidatingly at amused, chocolate brown ones.

"What's the magic word?" Camila asked cheerfully.

"Um, I made them." 


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