Chapter 1

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Lauren was shaking with nerves when she arrived on campus, a suitcase in one hand and a purse in the other. Of course, there was a heavy duffel bag on the purse shoulder that dragged her down with each step. She was having troubles with the walking but her nerves were mixed with excitement. If anything, that led to her having more of an adrenaline feeling. She practically skipped to her dorm building until a firm body ran into hers. That body was so strong that it caused her to bounce back a few steps before tripping over her own feet.

"I'm so sorry," a girl's voice said, filled with concern. "I wasn't looking where I was going." She didn't continue any further with an apology and helped Lauren with picking up bags. She offered Lauren a hand after, in which she gladly took.

"It's fine." Lauren gave her a shy smile and finally looked her over.

She was taller than Lauren. It caused their height difference to be close to laughable. Lauren noticed how pretty she was with her curling blonde hair cascading down past her shoulders and a large smile on her face that lit up her eyes. Along with that, she also had all the right curves in all the right places. Lauren felt self-conscious standing next to her, aware of how she always lessened herself when comparing herself to others. She never once felt confident in her life to the point where she could dress like this beautiful woman next to her was. She has always been like this, as there was no one she has ever dated who could have possibly changed her mind by boosting her confidence. 

"I'm Dinah," the taller girl said with an extended hand.

"Lauren," she said as politely as her small voice could muster. She took Dinah's hand in hers, hers being slightly smaller, and gave it a firm shake.

"Could I help you with your bags to your new room?" She gave her a bright smile. "You look like you were struggling."

"If it's not too much of a bother to you."

"Don't worry about it." Dinah waved it off and put the dark-haired girl's duffel bag over her shoulder. "Lead the way, Lauren."

Lauren smiled appreciatively at her before taking off on the same route she was previously. She entered the building with haste, wanting the unpacking to be over with. Unfortunately, Lauren was on the third floor. Fortunately, there was an elevator. They took her possessions up three stories before walking to room 368. With a shaking hand, Lauren managed to stuff the key into the door and unlock it. She held the door open for Dinah after walking inside first.

"What about all of your other stuff?" Dinah asked after carefully setting the duffel bag next to the side Lauren was on, assuming she claimed that side as hers. She was curious where the other girl's roommate was but she would get to that in a minute.

"It's in the car still," Lauren answered quietly. "I just wanted to get warmed up with the clothes before carrying the heavy stuff up here."

"I'll help you out if you don't mind a hand. I already finished unpacking my stuff and was just about to wander around the campus when I ran into you." She smirked. "So, I'm all warmed up."

"That's very kind of you to offer." Lauren gave her a generous smile, happy to have met someone as wonderful on the first day.

Maybe she wouldn't be alone like all the other years in high school. This could be her chance to make a truly kind friend. Her other ones turned their back on her so fast she was sure they got whiplash. Only one stayed though, but that one who stayed had plenty other friends she was too shy to hang out with. Those were complicated days for her.

"Don't worry about it." Dinah waved it away like it was nothing when it really meant a lot to Lauren.

"I'll buy you something cold after, I promise," Lauren said boldly. She was proud of herself to being the first to jump into an offer that didn't involve school things but rather friend things. "You'll want it after I make you carry my many possessions up here."

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