Chapter 5

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When Lauren entered her room about three hours later, she wasn't surprised to see Camila asleep on her bed. She was on her stomach, one arm dangling off the edge of the bed while her long, brown hair splayed out across her face. If it were Lauren, she would have woken up because her hair always tickled her nose. For the kicker, Camila was still dressed as she was last night and this morning. She didn't even bother changing into something more comfortable or putting on a shirt. Lauren rolled her eyes at that and dropped her heavy, book-filled backpack on the floor, creating a loud noise once it made contact with the carpet. She turned to face the monster on the bed for any type of reaction.

Camila jolted awake and squinted her dark eyes around the room. Once they landed on Lauren, she groaned. "Shut up," she mumbled. Her head still wasn't feeling it. She figured sleep was the cure.

"Sorry, do you want me to wake you up with water too?" Lauren challenged, her arms crossed and a smirk on her face.

"I am not in the mood for this." She held up a hand and closed her eyes again. She was too tired and still too hungover to argue back. She wanted her prissy roommate to leave so she could go back to sleep.

"Maybe you shouldn't have come stomping and wasted into the room past midnight last night," she said with a level voice. She would have yelled but she was losing the feeling to because Camila wasn't yelling back. Lauren almost felt bad now for upsetting her by waking her up, but she knew Camila wouldn't care if the roles were reversed. Hell, she didn't even care when she poured that water on her head.

"Sorry, mom. But you were still awake anyway. It's not like you can complain about me waking you up or anything." Camila wrapped her arms around her pillow to fluff it up before resting her chin on it. "Sometimes I like to go out and have fun."

Now that her head was elevated comfortably, she stared at Lauren easier. She thought those green eyes looked so familiar, now that she had an opportunity to gaze into them and not during an argument either where she was distracted. It took a short moment to place how she remembered them, not like it mattered. A lot of people had emerald-colored eyes. She saw her at a party, was attracted to those beautiful eyes, and she was not anymore. Outside beauty didn't always fit with inner beauty, and Camila thought Lauren was just a snob. She didn't understand why she figured her eyes were so important at the time of seeing them the first time. Eyes were eyes and... they weren't even that mesmerizing.

"Maybe go out and have fun on a night that doesn't involve having school the next day," Lauren said. She mentally scolded herself for sounding like a mom. Camila was right, Lauren thought, not that I'd ever admit that again.

The older girl on the bed bit her lower lip to hold in the laughter, which caused Lauren to zone in on that lip biting. She had always found it extremely attractive when a girl bit her lip but now was not the time for that thought. Camila was her ill-mannered roommate, not someone she could possibly have a relationship with in the future. Besides, she knew Camila was out of her league. Her confidence could never get high enough to attempt anything. She was never one to go after a girl anyway. Ever since middle school, when she was coming to terms with her sexuality and everyone accepted it, she stopped with the attempting after being rejected once. She was only rejected because the girl was straight. She didn't humiliate her or anything either; she also apologized for it because she believed she gave Lauren the wrong signs. Never again.

As Lauren had an inner argument with her thoughts, Camila continued with the staring. She usually stared like this at girls she planned to make approach her because she didn't want to put the effort into going up to them herself. They always understood and found ways to entertain her with their pretty faces and cute laughter. She didn't want Lauren like that though, never. She just found the younger girl... intriguing. 

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