Chapter 3

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Food did, in fact, did make the trio feel better. Although they barely ate and when they did, felt like puking with each bite, they still felt they made the right choice. Normani and Dinah didn't appreciate Lauren coming to their room to force them to get food with her but after the pancakes she offered to pay for, they loved her.

"That was so good but I'm so full," Normani complained, conflicted with her decision.

"Me too," Dinah agreed. 

Lauren took a sip of her water, nodding even though the other two were more than likely looking at their phones rather than each other. Her eyes wandered around the small diner rather than looking down at her phone too. She did like her phone, but she wasn't addicted like most people were these days who couldn't go an hour without checking their social media to see how many likes they got on whatever. She found her phone took away from her focus on her surroundings, although that didn't matter because the surroundings were people who were also on their phone. She rolled her eyes at them.

"Ready to go?" Dinah asked after dropping a few one dollar bills on the table for a tip.

"So you can go back to lying in bed?" Normani asked her with a small laugh. She joined in with dropping a few ones on the table also, the small amount of cash she unknowingly had crumpled in her pocket when she first put her pants on. After that action, Lauren had to drop a few also even though she paid for the meal. It was only fair if the tip was split up among the three nicely so the waitress received a decent amount.

"Possibly." She looked at Lauren. "That doesn't matter though. What do you have planned for the rest of your day?"

"I'm going to more than likely sit in my room too, maybe nap, but mostly wait for my new roommate," Lauren confessed. She wasn't too happy about adding the last part. She was nervous about her new roommate. She was always nervous about meeting new people, but this one would be forced to live with her. She had to deal with whatever would come with her.

"New roommate?" Normani asked. 

That caught the attention of both girls.

"Yeah." Lauren pushed her sunglasses up her nose, as they were sliding down, before continuing. "Ally said I was getting a new roommate. She said this girl got kicked out by her last one."

"So you're getting an annoying, rebellious roommate?" Dinah smirked. "That's going to be different for you."

"Why? I'm used to you two annoying me," Lauren joked.

"Hey!" Normani threw a packet of grape jelly at Lauren's head. It would have hit her eye if it wasn't for the sunglasses protecting them.

"Watch it." She put the jelly back rather continuing the attack. She knew she would lose; Normani was relentless when she was in a playful mood. "But yeah, I don't know how I feel about the whole thing."

"If you don't like her, you can always complain until she's kicked out like her last roommate did," Normani suggested. "She'll probably hate you more than her last one and try to kill you, but it's worth a shot." She shrugged as if a possible, psycho roommate was no big deal.

"Wow, thanks," Lauren said sarcastically.

"Don't worry." Dinah nudged her. "I'll protect you unless she's bigger than me. I'm not going down that road again."


"I don't want to talk about it." She waved it away like it was a traumatic experience for her.


Lauren walked into her room and looked around. She figured she could clean up a little better so her new roommate didn't have a reason to immediately hate her. Although her room wasn't that messy in the first place, it could be better organized and that gave her an excuse. She sure hoped her roommate wouldn't be messy; that was one of her biggest pet-peeves. She couldn't stand messy, disorganized people. Or loud. If Lauren was tired and wanted to sleep, her roommate had to be completely silent. She knew she wouldn't get a perfect roommate like that though, especially after hearing she was kicked out by her last roommate. She had to mentally prepare herself for the worst outcome so she would feel a little bit better when her new roommate wasn't that bad.

The Stubborn Roommate (Camren)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang