Chapter 7

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Dinah sighed loudly as she set down her pen on the desk, trying to get the attention of her two best friends around her. They didn't even take a single glance at her, so she did it again... this time more aggressive.

"We're in a library," Normani scolded. "Be quiet."

"I'm booored," Dinah complained.

"We've literally only been studying for two hours," Lauren said.

"Two hours! Do you hear yourself? That's a long time with no breaks."

"This exam is tomorr-"

"Which means we can study later tonight." Dinah smiled sweetly at the two.

Normani nodded in agreement, having spent enough time studying. She was ready to do something else, like eat. The last time she ate was four hours ago, and she needed more food.

"You two can do what you want, but I would like to ace this," Lauren said in an annoyed tone.

She knew she shouldn't have studied with those two. She was surprised they even lasted as long as they did before complaining. Okay, so they started complaining ten minutes in but this complaint sounded like they were really done.

"Sounds good!" Dinah bounced to her feet with a smile, nearly knocking the table back with her enthusiasm. "Let's go, Mani! I hear a cheeseburger calling my name."

Normani stood up with a smile. "And fries."

"Want anything, Laur?"

"If you'd bring back a smoothie or two, that would be great." Lauren was in the mode, and she didn't have time to bite and chew her food. A smoothie would work well for her pace.

"Any flavor preference?" Dinah questioned.


"Okay, we will be back soon. Let's say about forty minutes or so."

"Alright." The green eyes widened at the sudden realization on how she was going to remember a certain term directed at her sociology class and wrote it down excitedly. 

Dinah and Normani rolled their eyes at their nerdy friend before walking away. They discussed more food options on the way to the car, where they were going to drive to get actual food.

Lauren continued with studying for ten minutes in beautiful silence before she was interrupted. The question whether it be an annoying interruption came next. She looked up, as it was a person who cleared their throat, and saw a girl standing shyly across the table from her with her hands clasped behind her back. Her brown eyes immediately locked on her green ones, her thick eyebrows scrunching together in an expression Lauren couldn't interpret. Lauren had to admit this girl was pretty... or rather beautiful. She recognized her as someone in her class, the same class she was studying for. That was all she knew about her though. She didn't attempt to make friends with her because in class, with a whole bunch of other students, she was too shy to approach. She usually waited for them to approach her. 

"Hi," Lauren said kindly, not knowing how else to start it.

"Um, you always seem to know what you're talking about in class and was wondering if I could join you for studying," the other girl said rather quickly.

"Of course." She smiled, appreciating that someone wanted to actually study.

"I'm Lucy, by the way." She sat her book on the table and kindly extended a hand in greeting.

"I'm Lauren." The green-eyed girl accepted the handshake.

By the time Normani and Dinah made their way back to Lauren with two smoothies, another hour had passed. It wasn't their fault they got distracted by the restaurant they went to coincidentally had a hot wing challenge. They didn't win the free meal that came with success though. In fact, Dinah started crying because the sauce-drenched wings were too hot for her to handle. Normani was still making fun of her.

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