Chapter 20

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After watching TV for what felt like five minutes, when it was really a few hours, from the constant cuddling and kissing, the two decided to venture out and go for a walk. They didn't need to be cooped up in the hotel room when it was nearly past dinner time. Maybe they could run into an appealing place to eat.

"Ooh, sushi," Lauren commented upon passing a restaurant that had sushi in the name. Along with sushi, there were clear, foreign words she did not know how to interpret. 

"More like ew sushi." Camila huffed and pulled the girl along by her hand that she hadn't let go of for the longest time.

"You don't like sushi?"


"Have you ever tried it?" Lauren quizzed.

"Well, not really. I'm not a big fan of fish in general."

"I think you could like sushi."

"If you really want to get sushi later-" Camila said, looking unenthusiastic"-we can." She was sure there were much more appetizing dishes on the menu than raw fish.

"Thank you, Camila." Smiling happily, the younger girl pressed a lingering kiss to her cheek.

"You're welcome." She could hear the whip snapping in the distance already.

"Ooh, want to go in here?"

Camila raised her eyebrows at a tourist-looking gift shop and saw the happiness in Lauren's eyes. She merely nodded and proceeded to open the door for her. She hated looking like a tourist, especially as a person who had lived in Miami nearly her whole life, but if the decision wasn't solely based on her opinion...

"I could totally bring a few, little gifts back for my siblings and parents," Lauren commented as she browsed the smaller knick-knacks.

"Sounds like a good idea to me."

"What do you think?" She grabbed a Florida-shaped keychain by the top and dangled it in front of brown eyes. "Someone ought to absolutely hate this."

"Okay, so you're not being nice." Camila smirked. "You're being terrible."

"Oh, absolutely."

"You're the asshole siblings, I see."

"They love me," Lauren countered. 

"I'm sure."

"Hey now." She pointed at the older girl, the keychain still hanging out for dear life as she violently swung her hand around, and said, "I am the best sibling to ever walk this earth."

"Right." Camila turned her face to hide her smile.

"That's it!" Lauren feigned anger as she yanked her hand away from Camila's rather abruptly. "You can't hold my hand anymore!"

"How dare you!" she said, raising her voice enough to gain the attention of other customers.

Instead of being embarrassed by the attention, they decided to play along. It was a mutual agreement that they didn't need to discuss before continuing. The amused look in their eyes said it all.

"How dare me? How dare you! I thought we had something special!"

"We do!" Camila countered, trying her hardest to hold in her smile. "Stop being like this all the time!"

"I can't do this anymore!" Lauren dropped the keychain back in its spot and headed for the door with her hands raised dramatically. 

As soon as she exited with stomping footsteps, Camila was right behind her, and the two exploded in well-deserved laughter. They clung to each other for support as their stomachs clenched tightly. Tears nearly sprung from their eyes, but they calmed down when their eyes met. Instead of laughing further from the mutual understanding of the joke, they connected together like magnets, letting their mouths clash passionately and slowly against one another. The soft flesh of their lips fit so perfectly together that it easily made the two block out everything else. Now that they were able to kiss each other, they had no control to stop it. They were both too attracted to each other. 

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